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how to solve the vegan diet

and a story about my experiences

By Fabiano ZellerPublished about a year ago 3 min read
how to solve the vegan diet
Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash

When I first decided to try a vegan diet, I was excited to make a positive change for my health and the environment. I had read about the many benefits of a plant-based diet and felt motivated to give it a try.

At first, I found it easy to switch to a vegan diet. I enjoyed trying new recipes and experimenting with different types of plant-based proteins like tofu, tempeh, and legumes. However, as time went on, I started to struggle.

I found myself constantly hungry and lacking in energy, despite eating what I thought was a well-balanced vegan diet. I also missed some of my favorite foods, like cheese and eggs, and felt frustrated when I couldn't find suitable substitutes.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was dining out with friends and family. Many restaurants didn't have vegan options, or the options they did have were limited and unappetizing. I felt like a burden asking the waiter to modify dishes or make special requests, and it was hard not to feel left out when everyone else was enjoying their meals.

Despite these challenges, I didn't want to give up on my vegan diet. I knew that it was a positive choice for my health and the environment, and I was determined to make it work. So, I started doing more research and learning about the different nutrients I needed to include in my diet to stay healthy and satisfied.

I also started meal planning and prepping, which made it easier to stay on track and avoid feeling hungry or tempted by unhealthy foods. And when dining out, I began to speak up and ask for vegan options or modifications without feeling guilty or embarrassed.

It wasn't always easy, but over time, I found that my vegan diet became a natural and enjoyable part of my lifestyle. I discovered new delicious foods and flavors thanks to some vegan recipe books , and felt proud of myself for making a positive impact on the planet.

As someone who has been following a vegan lifestyle for a few years now, I'm always on the lookout for new and exciting recipes to add to my repertoire. That's why I was excited to pick up a copy of "300 Vegan/Plant-Based Recipe Cook Book".

The first thing I noticed about this book is the sheer number of recipes included. As the title suggests, there are over 300 different vegan and plant-based recipes to choose from, ranging from breakfast dishes to appetizers to main courses and desserts. I appreciate the variety of recipes, as it can be easy to fall into a rut when following a restrictive diet.

One of the things I love about this book is that the recipes are organized by meal type, making it easy to find what I'm looking for. Each recipe includes a list of ingredients and clear, step-by-step instructions. I appreciate that the author includes nutritional information for each recipe, so I can make informed choices about what I'm eating.

But what really sets this book apart is the author's personal story. In the introduction, she shares her own journey to a vegan lifestyle and how it has transformed her health and wellbeing. As someone who has also experienced the benefits of a plant-based diet, I found her story inspiring and relatable.

I appreciate that the author also includes tips and tricks for making a vegan lifestyle work for you. She acknowledges that it can be challenging to switch to a plant-based diet, especially at first, and provides practical advice for making the transition smoother. I found her tips helpful, even as someone who has been vegan for a while.

Overall, I highly recommend "300 Vegan/Plant-Based Recipe Cook Book" to anyone looking to add more plant-based meals to their diet. The recipes are delicious and easy to follow, and the author's personal story adds an inspiring and relatable touch. As someone who has experienced the benefits of a vegan lifestyle, I appreciate the effort that went into creating this comprehensive and approachable recipe book.

Looking back, I realized that the struggles I faced were a natural part of any major lifestyle change. But by staying committed and persistent, I was able to overcome those challenges and create a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle for myself.

PS: Here is the link to the recipe book if you want to check it out

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  • Rahid Mossadekabout a year ago

    Thanks for this article! As a vegan eating person i understand the challenges and can agree with the problems you mentioned.

  • MIchael Zastroabout a year ago

    Hey thanks fabiano i like your story i will try the book soon thanks for the review

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