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How to Avoid Social Media Overload

You're Off-line self needs more attention!

By Mark SmithPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
My brain cells are hurting!! Ahhhhhhhh

I made a video on my Youtube Channel, and I was talking about how 'the phone is stripping us of our powers' those were my exact words I used to explain a never ending issue in today's world of never ending loads of information from a mobile device. I was really just speaking my mind on the matter and yes I dropped a couple of swear bombs in the video, which garned an astounding 15 views and only 2 likes....I know i'm not very popular with the Youtube algorithm but that's what happens when you become a realist, people are not always going to gravitate towards the real but however in due time people will gravitate towards damaged brain cells from overload and a poor quality of life from a phone that is slowly but surely taking away their super powers. You'll thank me later.

Now don't get me wrong, phones have their positive sides, without it we wouldn't be susceptible to all there is to know about certain things. We wouldn't find out about alot of the conspiracy theories thats out there. Phones have become an outlet especially for this upcoming generation to develop a social media presence and to have a platform where they can connect globally with so many of their fans. People are taking advatange of all the opportunities that come with social media, I mean there is a plethora of apps and platforms for people to just connect and even build a online business and 9 times out of 10 that's what social media is really good for if you have a huge following of supporters that gravitate towards what you do.

But if you are reading this story, you obviously want to know how to avoid social media overload. First off look at your screen time on your phone right now and moniter how much time you are spending on your device, that includes total app time. As I'm typing this I have approximately spended a total of 59 hours and 63 minutes on my phone from Oct 31- November 6th. That's no excuse on my part, I guess when your working out or driving long distance to work, you can't help but put on some spotify or listen to a book on audible which uses up your screen time. But if were talking about apps on your phone that can help you intectually and keep you preoccupied then its not really a problem. But pay attention to how long you are on your phone just mindlessly scrolling throught twitter and facebook and trying to keep up an image of your online life. Your offline life needs more attention.

Social Media overload is when someone has been viewing social media topics, or any one topic, on social media for so long, non-stop, that they can't handle any new info. If more information continues to be presented to them, the brain can only process so much at a time and when they feel confused they reach the overload point. Everytime you click on Instagram, you are constantly being flooded with endless feed updates of people's lives playing out in front of you. You continue to subconsciously scroll through other profiles and images and videos of individuals living they "best life" while you're not paying attention to how much time you are wasting. It's ok to post here and there, or look at funny videos on facebook watch or instagram's highlight reel but to spend your whole day doing it is just asking your brain cells to hurt.

By Cristian Newman on Unsplash

It's totally fine to unplug from the media, we all need to refresh our noggins for a bit anyway. If you feel like apps such as Instagram and Facebook are now distarcting you from getting anything done, simply having them on your phones internal storage is not gonna solve the overload issue. All it takes is one click to enter a world of distractions and people selling you a false image of themselves to a world that doesn't even care about them. You are what you consume and if you consume too much social media, it could possibly take over your happiness and your life. In order to save you from the dreaded comparison game, simply delete the apps on your phone, you do not need to delete your accounts but step away from it for atleast 30 days. When you delete it, you are free from those stupid distractions that was messing up the flow of your life, but first you must take away the convenience of which that distraction holds in order to eliminate it from your daily routines.

If you can do that, you are freeing your mind from overload, practice to use your time more beneficially and productively like reading self help books, mediatating, exercising or learning a new skill. Put more time into your offline life for 30 days, no social media, limit goggle searches, time you spend talking on the phone or texting, and spend less time on youtube watching people from the side lines living their life when you should be planning and strategizing your next 24 hours. Go to bed with your phone on airplane mode so there is no distractions when you are sleeping, when you first wake up don't check your emails or messages right away, instead tackle your morning routines like how you originally intended to and focus on what needs more attention in your life than giving you're attention to people who don't know you in real life.

I took instagram and facebook off my phone just last month, when I disconnected from my online life, I recconnected back to my offline life and everytime I have done this trick, my life would gain a new lease on it. There was times I took a haitus from facebook for 3-4 months straight and Instagram for 3 months tops around the fall and winter months I would usually do this and this year is no diffrent. The less distractions the better, trust me the first week taking a break will be hard but as the days past by you will hardly even think about social media as its not even worth the time spending on because you have gotten so in tune with your offline life and for someone who is reading this and has a problem taking breaks from social media, the more you practice going without the less you need of it. Because you are reprogramming your brain to find different ways to stimulate it, so put the phone down, go MIA on facebook and clear your mind from the overload. Theres more to life than just a device.

By lucas Favre on Unsplash

If this story helped you in anyway possible, please give it a like and a tip would be much appreciated. I will be writing more stories like this about social media overload, online comparison, digital detox & going in much in-depth into this topic.

Enjoy the rest of your day, blessings.

social media

About the Creator

Mark Smith

Youtuber, Podcaster, Blogger, Freelancer Writer & Putting the Lord 1st

Your attitude towards life is what's going to be life's attitude towards you.

Nature heals the soul.

I don't walk with the crowd, I walk solo dolo.


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