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From low self-esteem to self-confidence, how much do you have to go through?

What is it like to have low self-esteem?

By GayPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Low self-esteem is like having a crazy dog locked up inside. On a dull day, it will hide in its cage and sleep peacefully, and once something stimulates it, it will run out and bark like crazy, either until you break down or until you grow up.

All of us have different degrees of inferiority complexes because we all want to make ourselves better and make a better life for ourselves.

Everyone has experienced this to a greater or lesser extent, and so have I.

So if you are inferior, don't worry, there are methodologies for all problems. As long as you have the determination to become good, you can do it.

Low self-esteem plagues many people, including myself, probably because of my family of origin, I grew up with low self-esteem, always afraid to face others, and will unconsciously try to please others.

My parents like to compare themselves with others, always others are better than me in everything; I often deny myself, I can't do anything well. Feel like you have nothing to achieve.

A person who does not appreciate himself is hardly happy. Overcome low self-esteem and be happy for the rest of your life. Overcome low self-esteem and be a person who appreciates himself. Overcome low self-esteem, your own life is your say.

The famous actress Yang Zi, said in a public speech, he also had a time of low self-esteem, but they have persevered, and now starring in a TV series that is the fire for good results. She said: maybe we are all ordinary, and may not look good, but you all have dreams. Although I am also very ordinary, I persevere, in my life, my career, and all the things I want to make their own decisions, others say right, I can accept, others say wrong I think I have to refuse, do not feel very humble, do not feel very small, do not feel very ordinary, no, everyone is great, because there is no second person in this world with you, have a dream to Insist, there is only one you in this world.

First of all, you have to know yourself correctly.

Admit that you have low self-esteem is the key to facing your true self.

Low self-esteem will resist positive feedback, and the praise of others is useless. Know yourself accept yourself, and see your own merits, here is a small method, in the daily have others see your merits, go to write them down, they often take out to see, can help themselves to improve their self-confidence.

Self-compassion method, how to do it?

You feel that you are inferior, so you change the protagonist of the inferiority complex to a friend around the small Li, Zhang is a person with low self-esteem, encountered such things, and then you have to give this small Zhang, tell him how not how to do, out of this predicament too.

Writing a letter can do self-healing, which is to use the method of comforting others to comfort themselves.

Stop comparing yourself with others

There will always be people who are better than you, so do not compare yourself with others, but with yourself, compare yourself with your previous self, compare yourself with yesterday's self, whether you have improved, whether you have become better, whether you have worked harder.

Focus on your daily changes and progress, focus on what you say you do, and grow over the year. You will find yourself also very good than last year and learned a lot more skills, more than yesterday's efforts.

Attribute correctly

No longer easily deny themselves, the failure of a thing, not their own ability to not, but maybe a variety of reasons, in the face of these things do not just blame things on themselves, the correct to analyze.

Make an effort to improve yourself and give yourself a sense of value.

not confident enough is why? Because you don't have enough stuff, you have enough time to prepare, you're thorough, and you're confident.

Self-discipline is freedom, start to make some changes, try to go to bed early and wake up early, exercise regularly, give yourself time to prepare, set a small goal, slowly refine, improve your hard and soft strength, and show yourself when you are ready.

When they are slowly breaking through themselves and gaining progress, they will form a virtuous circle, becoming more and more accomplished and confident.

I've been on this road for a long time, I used to care about my parents saying that other people's kids are good, I care about my friends asking about their job salaries, I can remember a word from others for years, I don't know what to fight for, I missed a lot, I was lost for a long time, I went to find the exit, but I found that there were impermeable walls all around.

Later, I worked hard and made a great determination to have a job and a life now. I no longer go to fear my parents' mouths or other people's children, because this year I am better than last year, I do not care what my friends think, and although still sensitive, I do what I want to do, do what I love, do not have to care about what others say. Now go to the place of their dreams, regardless of the wind and rain, and will also insist on going on.

Yiddish said, "A lady with true grace never shows off everything she has, she doesn't tell people what she has read, where she has been, how many dresses she has, what jewelry she has bought because she has no sense of inferiority." May you and I become truly gracious ladies.

You have to work hard, quietly pluck the tip, and then amaze everyone, overcome the inferiority complex, and will live a more exciting and transparent life.


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