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Every disease is an internal emotion that we have ignored and suppressed for a long time

Gradually understand the meaning of the disease, only by understanding it will it transform and the emotional blockage can be removed.

By SonnyPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
Every disease is an internal emotion that we have ignored and suppressed for a long time
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash


The disease begins in the emotional body

Sickness and health: this is a problem that everyone will face sooner or later.

First I want to talk about what disease is. All disease begins at the mental level. I will explain this by distinguishing between your different bodies: in addition to the material body, which is visible to everyone, you also have an emotional body, a mental body, and a spiritual body.

The disease usually starts in the emotional body, which manifests in the physical body as some blockage.

Usually, it is some belief in the mental body that causes the emotional blockage, which eventually manifests as disease. Here we are talking about those deep-rooted beliefs or habits of thought, generally, those beliefs that concern your right and wrong.


Judgment can create blockages

Judgments can create blockages in your emotional energy system. Where the blockage occurs is where the emotional energy does not flow freely. You have more than enough opportunity to transform yourself into an emotionally balanced state before it manifests as a disease.

Generally speaking, your emotions will tell you that your emotional energy is suppressed and needs to be expressed and released. When you notice this information and honor it and improve the repression, those stagnant blocks are slowly released.

For example, if you feel irritated and angry every time you have to do something, and if you go to the detail of being attentive to this emotion, then you will find that it is telling you that you are forcing yourself to do something you don't like.

However, if you always ignore your anger and force yourself to do the things that make you unhappy and deceive yourself, then this emotion is stuck. It will gradually build up in the body and eventually form a disease.

A repressed emotion will want to be released.

Once it begins to express itself in the physical body, the disease emerges.


Diseases indicate where you need to heal

Generally speaking, each illness points to an internal emotional problem that has been ignored for a long time. And the physical symptoms enable the emotional issues to be visible to you on another level, which helps you get in touch with these stagnant blocks.

In this sense, the symptoms of illness or pain are the language of the soul, which longs to fully communicate with its interior. When the emotions and personal will within you can flow freely, the soul is happy; conversely, when your emotions and personal will are not able to be released and expressed, the blockages appear and the soul is in pain.

Therefore, illness has a suggestive role: it points you to those areas that need to be healed.

Even though we are plagued by symptoms and pains that seem negative, we should see illness as a message or indication. This makes it easier to work with the illness rather than resist it.


The body has its great wisdom

The soul communicates with you in many ways, and it likes to speak to you most through intuition: including subtle emotions, premonitions, inner voices, and so on. If this approach doesn't work, you are warned by emotions.

Emotions speak loudly and they tell you unmistakably: you must look inside yourself and find what is provoking the emotional response! Any time you are seriously disturbed by an emotion, you have to find its cause and meaning.

If you calm down and listen carefully, the soul will tell you the answer.

If you resist or deny your emotions, the soul will speak to you through the body.

The body is intelligent and will respond with great sensitivity not only to the substances it absorbs (such as food and water) but also to your emotions, feelings, and thoughts.

The body is meant to be a communication tool between us and our souls. It is not just a shell for us to live in, but it also has a system full of intelligence that helps the soul express and understands its problems.


Understanding illness is a journey of inner discovery

How can you understand the language of the soul when it expresses itself in the form of illness? When illness manifests, you may not know what message it is sending to you.

Because you have been in denial about your emotions for so long, it is not obvious what the illness is trying to tell you. Understanding the spiritual meaning of the disease is a process, a journey of inner discovery through which you can gradually recover your communication with your soul.

To embark on this journey of discovery, you must first accept your illness.

Often your initial reaction to illness is one of denial and resistance. Because illness scares you, you want it to go away as quickly as possible.

You fear debilitation, deficiency, and eventual death. Once the body is weakened or ill, panic clings to you, which prevents you from seeing the disease from a broader perspective.

From now on, you can see it as another light, as a sign of change, or as an invitation to retrieve a precious gift that has been lost.

The real problem is not the disease itself, but the inner stagnation it reveals. When you face the disease head-on, accepting it with your heart and soul, willing to listen to the voice of your soul, you have removed part of the blockage, although you do not yet know precisely what the disease is trying to tell you.

Through your willingness, patience, and determination to embark on this inner journey, a part of the communication has been re-established.


The arrival of illness in your life is no accident

However, accepting and embracing illness will not be easy for you.

You may find yourself reacting to it with rejection, anger, or despair, so you can't hear what the illness is telling you.

Are you gentle and forgiving enough with yourself? Can you truly take care of what you need physically and emotionally? The illness usually brings these issues, and facing and accepting the emotions they trigger is part of the healing process.

To truly begin healing, you must fully accept the pain, discomfort, anxiety, anger, and lack of security. You must look at it, be kind to it, and extend your hands to it.

It is coming to seek your healing. The disease is not something that must be gotten rid of as soon as possible; it is no accident that it is coming into your life at this moment.

If you ignore the language of the body and keep resisting the disease, you will have a hard time understanding the spiritual nature and meaning of the disease. Because there is so much anger and fear surrounding it.

Only when you can face the illness, face the pain and discomfort, and face your fears and aversions, do you truly achieve inner freedom.

Embrace them, and then ask with peace of mind: What are you trying to tell me?


Talking to your body will make you feel happy

Illnesses represent blocked emotions, some of which are beyond your conscious awareness. Therefore, understanding what an illness or symptom represents is not always easy. It requires going deep inside, looking at yourself thoroughly, and gradually understanding what it is trying to tell you.

Restoring a close relationship with the body takes practice. It doesn't come automatically, so don't give up so easily either. When you complain endlessly, try looking at those complaints again.

Relax for a moment, then sweep your mind over the diseased area of your body with peaceful thoughts, asking the disease to appear as a living being so you can talk to it.

Ask it to appear as an animal, a child, or a human being, or ask it to appear as a guide, in whatever form. Use your imagination! Imagination is a precious tool to discover the deepest tremors in the soul.

If you do, you will be blessed with that lost and found intimacy when the body answers you with an image or a feeling. The body speaks to you, it resumes its role as a communicator! This is truly a breakthrough.

Once you know that you can know your body from within and that only you can do so, you will be more confident. Confidence in turn makes it easier for you to understand the language of illness. It will also enable you to receive an inner answer without pushing it away because it doesn't fit into society's common perceptions.

Staying close to your body in any situation is invaluable, especially in times of illness or distress.

The way to let the body speak is to love.

The key is to gradually understand the meaning of illness; only by understanding it will it transform and the emotional blockage can be removed.

This is the mechanism by which the healing process works: not to fight the disease in such and such a way, but to accept it like a friend: it wants to point you in the right direction.

It is not easy to understand this because the disease brings you panic and distress. But acceptance and understanding of the disease is the true path to healing. The disease wants to take you home.

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