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Covert Narcissism? 5 Best Traits That Will Easily Confirm It

Unmasking the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

By Margaret S.Published 9 months ago 3 min read
Covert Narcissism? 5 Best Traits That Will Easily Confirm It
Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

Narcissus never saw his reflection in a digital screen, but if he lived in our era, he'd probably be the king of selfies. In today's world, narcissism doesn't just stare at its reflection in water; it filters, edits, and posts it online. But what about those who don't make it quite so obvious? Enter covert narcissism: the subtler, slyer sibling of overt narcissism.

We live in an age where self-obsession is almost a societal norm. The rise of social media platforms has only intensified our preoccupation with ourselves. However, not all narcissism manifests in overt displays of self-importance. A less obvious, yet equally perplexing form, is covert narcissism. Unlike its overt counterpart, spotting covert narcissism requires a more nuanced approach. How do you identify someone who has mastered the art of hiding in plain sight?

In this blog post, we shall delve deep into the psyche of the covert narcissist, aided by psychology and behavioral science, aiming to demystify this intricate personality type.

"The narcissist devours people, consumes their output, and casts the empty, writhing shells aside." - Sam Vaknin

Identifying Typical Traits of Covert Narcissism

  1. Passive-Aggressive Behavior: Unlike overt narcissists who are forthright in their self-centeredness, covert narcissists express their sense of superiority in passive-aggressive ways. Watch out for backhanded compliments or subtle put-downs disguised as jokes.
  2. Victim Mentality: Covert narcissists have a knack for seeing themselves as perpetual victims, often blaming others for their misfortunes. This not only allows them to evade accountability but also garners them attention and sympathy.
  3. Withdrawn Nature: They may come across as introverted or highly sensitive, which masks their true intentions. They tend to withdraw when they're not the focus, yet they secretly harbor fantasies of greatness and crave validation.
  4. Manipulation through Guilt: They're skilled at making others feel guilty for not meeting their emotional needs, thereby manipulating them into submission.
  5. Quiet Superiority: You won't catch them bragging loudly, but you might notice a quiet sense of superiority in their body language or comments. They consider themselves misunderstood geniuses or undervalued saviors.

Psychological Underpinnings

From a psychological standpoint, covert narcissists, like their overt counterparts, display a lack of empathy and a craving for admiration. However, they mask these needs under layers of defensiveness and introverted behaviors. Their narcissism is not flamboyant but deeply ingrained in a series of defense mechanisms that shield them from the fear of inadequacy.

How to Protect Yourself

  1. Set Boundaries: Establish clear emotional and physical boundaries. Do not let their manipulation tactics cloud your judgment.
  2. Practice Emotional Detachment: Don't get emotionally entangled in their web of deceit. Keep your feelings in check.
  3. Consult Professional Help: If you find that a covert narcissist is damaging your mental health, consult a psychologist or counselor for strategies tailored to your situation.
  4. Limit Contact: Sometimes, the best solution is to distance yourself. Less interaction means less opportunity for manipulation.

Covert narcissism is a complex, multi-faceted personality trait that is not easily identifiable. However, with a discerning eye and a grasp of psychological nuances, it's possible to unmask the wolf in sheep's clothing. Armed with knowledge, we can navigate the complex landscape of human behavior without becoming fodder for someone's narcissistic supply.

"The only way to win with a toxic person, is not to play." - Unknown

Unmasking covert narcissists isn't just about pointing fingers; it's about understanding the complexities of human behavior to foster healthier, more transparent relationships. After all, even in a world infatuated with self, there's still room for genuine connection.

LET'S DISCUSS: Do you have any experience with a covert narcissist?

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About the Creator

Margaret S.

I'm Margaret, a U.S.-based literary critic with a Psych degree. In my posts, I don't just ask 'whodunit,' I explore 'whydunit.' Melding classic lit with modern mystery, I turn each page into a psychological exploration. 📚✨

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