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Awaken Your Divine Feminine

Books to help you on your journey

By Tamara GoldenPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
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A spiritual awakening is a highly personal and beautiful thing. I had my awakening many years ago and I'm still awakening to new levels all the time. I recently rediscovered yoga in my life, and it has given me many wonderful cheat codes to deepen myself into my personal spiritual practice.

Much of the wisdom that you discover and find during an awakening comes from within. Your three-dimensional self is finally connecting with your higher self. It's life changing to discover that you exist on a spiritual plane also. It can also be somewhat overwhelming.

Many start their journey for their new spiritual truths by seeking knowledge in books. It can be helpful to read the words of other people who have gone through something similar.

First, I must make a disclaimer to never make any person your guru. Not one person knows it all. And there's not just one truth in this universe. We all have our own unique paths. Coming into your spiritual truths is a journey and not a destination. We are always learning and growing. Make sure your truths resonate within and don't follow anyone blindly. You were equipped with everything you need already inside you.

With that being said, we all can and should learn from each other. Below are some books that can help in your spiritual growth with awakening your Divine Feminine.

Sacred Sexual Union: The Alchemy of Love, Power, and Wisdom by Anaiya Sophia

The Twin Flame rhetoric is not anything I resonate with; however, that is some beautiful information in the books about the different schools of spirituality such as Gnosticism, Kabbalah, and Sufi mysticism. There are also practices that help with recognizing sacred unions. Though I don’t believe in twin flames sacred unions are real. Sacred unions are not about romantic love. These unions are with your parents, siblings, friends, etc. Not just with your spouses.

Spiritual Alchemy: Scrying, Spirit Communication, and Alchemical Wisdom by Jenny Tyson

This book can help you explore opening up the psychic powers that are in all of us. Jenny Tyson went on a spiritual journey and she’s sharing that wisdom with others who are ready for their own journey. Take what resonates to help you on your own journey.

Awakening The Goddess: 33 Sacred Practices for Healing, Self-Love & Embodying the Divine Feminine by Krystal Aranyani

This book uses the goddess archetypes to help you build your self-esteem and gives you the you tools for self-healing in every aspect of your life. If you’re interested in spiritual growth and learning about sacred practices this book is a great resource.

Goddess Reclaimed: 13 Initiations To Unleash Your Sacred Feminine Power by Syma Kharal

This book is a true spiritual journey. Each chapter is an initiation from a different goddess. A meditation for each goddess is supposed to pull back a layer of blockage inside that’s keeping you from being your highest spiritual self. Before doing the meditations in this book, research each goddess to learn about them and make sure they resonate with you. If you feel your spiritual journey is leading you elsewhere, don’t feel obligated to do any of the meditations in this book.

Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Ph.D.

This book is a classic exploration of women and the divine feminine. It peels back the layers of the ways women are groomed to be prim and proper and the let the wild woman roam free. If you have felt that called the be the authentic wild you then this book is a must.

Lunar Living by Kirsty Gallagher

If you’re new to manifesting are working with the moon cycles, this is the book for you. The author takes you through the history of spiritually working with the moon and what each cycle means. She also has a section breaking down the various astrological signs of the moon and how to use them. It’s a great text for beginners.

The Magic of Marie Laveau by Denise Alvarado

This book is part biography and part deep dive into the mysticism of the Voodoo religion. Marie Laveau is the legendary Queen of Voodoo, but it’s has become difficult to separate myths from facts when it comes to her legacy. Denise Alvarado does a good job of being respectful of Madame Laveau’s legacy while teaching about Voodoo practices.

365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

This book is more of a reference for different goddesses around the world. There’s a goddess for each day of the year dedicated to how admirers and worshipers honor the divine feminine of their goddess on these days. The book offers a starting point in the history and the celebrations of each goddess. September 17th is extra special to me!

When Women Ruled the World by Kara Cooney

There’s not much spirituality in this book, but ancient Egypt as long been a fascination for many people. Reading the stories about the women rulers of the region who aren’t talked about very often is enlightening and could light a fire in the power of your own feminine energy. This book is highly researched and well-written.

The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

This is not a spiritual book in the traditional sense; however, it can make you look, see and blossom the creativity within. The divine feminine is creativity itself. To witness this, take a moment and gaze at a flower, tree, or an animal in its natural habitat. Mother Earth is creating this beautiful world for us every moment of every day.

Julia Cameron’s lessons and guide to open your innate creativity will also guide you into opening your sacral chakra where your creative energy resides. I’m currently on my third reading of this legendary text and I’m still finding new wisdom in her words.


About the Creator

Tamara Golden

Curator of words and beauty.

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