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Discovering the science behind intelligence: 9 fascinating facts

By Abdulganiyy AbdulwasiuPublished 12 months ago 4 min read
Photo by Google DeepMind on Unsplash

The study of intelligence has been a topic of debate for many years. Despite this, it remains a critical component of human behavior and plays a significant role in shaping our personal and professional lives. Intelligence, being an elusive concept, has various forms and factors that influence it. In this article, we share nine interesting facts that will help you better understand this complex subject.

Fact 1: General Intelligence Has Two Main Categories Psychologists describe different cognitive abilities using two terms: Fluid and Crystallized intelligence. Fluid intelligence is the ability to learn new things quickly, adapt to new situations, and think on your feet. On the other hand, Crystallized intelligence allows you to use the information you’ve learned over time to solve problems and make decisions. It is like having a toolbox: Fluid intelligence is the ability to add new tools to the toolbox, while Crystallized intelligence is the ability to store and use those tools effectively.

Fact 2: Intelligence Can Manifest in Different Forms Intelligence differs from person to person and exists in different forms. Many people assume that intelligence only comes in the form of high IQ or excelling in academics. However, this is not the case. For example, some people may have a heightened level of emotional intelligence, allowing them to read and understand the emotions of others with ease. Others may have a natural talent for creative and artistic pursuits, such as painting or music. Finally, some people possess exceptional physical intelligence, like athletes or dancers who have an innate understanding of how their bodies move and can execute complex movements flawlessly.

Fact 3: Intelligence Is Influenced by Both Genetic and Environmental Factors While genetics plays a significant role in determining our innate abilities, environmental factors also shape our cognitive development. Growing up in a stimulating and intellectually-rich environment can help boost your brain power and problem-solving skills. Conversely, a lack of access to education or exposure to toxins can have a negative impact on your cognitive abilities. Thus, it’s not just about what we’re born with, but also what we’re exposed to.

Fact 4: Intelligence Is Not Fixed and Can Be Improved with Effort and Practice It is a common misconception that intelligence is something that is fixed. However, modern research has shown that this is not the case. Intelligence is malleable and can grow and improve with time and effort. This means that you have the power to improve your cognitive abilities. You can tap into your full potential by engaging in challenging activities, learning new skills, and constantly pushing yourself to expand your knowledge.

Fact 5: Intelligence Is Not a Predictor of Success in Life Intelligence is not necessarily a predictor of success in life. Although having a high IQ can give you an advantage in some areas such as academics or certain careers, it is not the be-all and end-all when it comes to achieving success in life. In fact, things like personality traits, determination, and social skills can all play a role in determining someone’s success.

Fact 6: Creative Intelligence Is Linked to A Higher Risk of Mental Illness Studies have found that those with higher levels of creativity and artistic ability tend to have a higher risk of mental illness, such as depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Some experts believe that the traits that make someone more creative, such as being open-minded and having a vivid imagination, can also make them more susceptible to mental health issues. However, having a creative mind does not necessarily mean that you will develop a mental illness. It is essential to prioritize your mental health and seek help if you need it.

Fact 7: Only About 2 Percent of The Human Population Can Boast an IQ Score of 130 Or Higher Having a high IQ is rare. Only about 2 percent of the human population can boast an IQ score of 130

Fact 8 - Intelligence Can Vary Based on the Time of Day

Did you know that your intelligence can change depending on the time of day?

Studies have shown that people tend to perform better on cognitive tasks in the morning when they are well-rested and alert. As the day wears on and fatigue sets in, our cognitive abilities can decline, making it harder to focus and think critically. So, if you have an important task that requires a lot of mental energy, it might be best to tackle it earlier in the day when you are feeling fresh and alert.

Fact 9 - Intelligence Can Be Predicted from A Young Age While it’s true that intelligence is not fixed and can be improved with effort and practice, research has also shown that a person’s intelligence can be predicted from a young age.

In fact, studies have found that IQ scores are relatively stable throughout a person’s life, with scores at age 11 being highly predictive of scores at age 80. Of course, this doesn’t mean that a child’s future is set in stone based on their IQ score, but it does suggest that early interventions to support cognitive development can have a significant impact on a person’s future success.

Overall, these facts about intelligence highlight the complexity of this elusive concept and the many factors that influence our cognitive abilities. While genetics plays a role, our environment, experiences, and efforts also shape our intelligence and potential for success. By understanding these facts and working to improve our cognitive abilities, we can unlock our full potential and achieve our goals in life.


About the Creator

Abdulganiyy Abdulwasiu

Abdulganiyy Abdulwasiu, Born and raised in Ekiti state, Nigeria, he is a medical student at the prestigious Federal University of Health Sciences Azare, Bauchi state. He is a passionate writer.

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