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A Poem for all the “You” out there on Valentine’s Day

By Goosey Q.Published 3 years ago 3 min read

I want to tell you how I truly feel. You probably know but you will make your own decisions for the both of us. Decisions that will keep me guessing because I don’t know what you’re thinking. I don’t know how you feel and what you want. So much of me invested, I’m not looking for a savior but really a lover. A partner in crime to journey through this land of astonishment.

You have people. Oh yeah you have people. Always with friends or family never having a dull moment where you get to second guess or feel “alone” from things. Your people always gives you reasons to live, laugh and love. A distraction from hardships and reoccurring traumas. Building relationships and giving inspiration to create what becomes another layer of you.

By Toby Osborn on Unsplash

You give no flocks. You don’t care what people say or what they do around you. You’re strong willed and very proud of how you perceive yourself. You give no hoots about what’s being said and how others love their lives compared to yours. You know to care for yourself and when you need time for yourself. You’re not afraid to stand up for those close or for those in need. As gentle as you are, you throw flocks out the window when you need to lay down the law.

You love hard. You make lengths to make others happy. You give them your time. You provide them your energy. You show them you care and hope they do the same. Your independence knows no bounds and yet you find time to give everyone some of yours. Just enough to leave a mark, you don’t stay long unless it’s needed. Your heart is bigger than most. You show it in many ways but none compare to how you learn to love yourself.

By Ben Sweet on Unsplash

You are curious about the world. You remain a student so you can learn and enjoy the journeys that comes your way. You read each story and learn each line, as if to collide with your way of being. You proceed with open arms & you’re not afraid to fail, again and again. You keep going only to build the momentum. Ending off into a state where the beginning is nothing but a memory to you.

You are strong. You’re able to conquer the demons that hold you down. You’re able to find the light at the ends of the tunnel. You are strong enough to bite the bullet & strong enough to catch one. You are strong enough to laugh without fear and love without prejudice. You are strong enough to be in the public eye without even being in the eyes of the public. Sometimes you just make me wonder if you’re strong enough to be with someone like me.

By mohammed alherz on Unsplash

You know how to get to me. You know what buttons to push and what levels to go. You obtained the power to control the next move. The next wave of curiosity and connection. You also hold the keys. The keys that lock the doors between who we are now and who we can be down the line. Fear maybe beneath you but without you, fear can own me.

You know how to spot a fake. You are able to find the truth in most and can somehow tell when something isn’t right. From the voice to their look, you find a kink to their armor and use it as protection for yourself. Your ability to spot a fake is like a radar sense that can give you that extra edge. You can see when someone might hold back because there was a time when you did too. You focus a lot on your own truth and remain loyal to you because after all, you grew to love the person that I love too. That person is you.

love poems

About the Creator

Goosey Q.

A Portfolio of Written Pieces from Poetry & Reviews, to Positive Affirmations & Mental Health. This page is to Inform, Educate, & Inspire people to take a positive outlook on life while relating to struggles that we have or haven’t faced.

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