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Where Hot And Cold Nightmares Collide

The Cornfed Overheated Country Boy & the Chill City Girl with the Icy Stare

By Lightning BoltPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 2 min read

The simmering crimson cornfield crosses infinite boundaries

Beyond the limits of misunderstanding into scarlet memories

The cornstalks are high as skyscrapers, as thick as saplings

Leaves as red as poinsettia petals are efficient at grappling.


He tries to run through the maze, but the rows keep shifting

He thought this was solid ground, but now it starts rifting

Spiders as big as badgers combine webbing and cornsilk

Maize and arachnids spin sizzling traps for his ilk

Hot fibers stick to his face like red cotton candy

The flesh-searing snare isn't perfect but it’s still Jim-dandy!


He’s starving!!

and there is food all around him,

singing to him, calling to him, mocking his hunger

The poison plants want to be devoured!

He’s starving!!

and this blunder has stolen his thunder

The crimson corn smells like succulent flowers

Shucking it makes his fingerprints feel empowered

The kernels pop like blisters between his teeth.

The cobs bleed like recently chopped-off feet.

The grain tastes like sewage,

like swill, like its dirty.

This is how devilry tastes,

steamy and sticky and crunchy and squirty.

He chokes on the object of his desire

While all around him, all the other ears listen to his desperate fires!

The freezing blue tulip-field is an endlessly-frightened frontier

Extending deep into her spirit like the fangs of a dhampir

The terrible tulips spit sleet,

like mad cobras made of snow

The flowers join in a conspiracy only lunatics can know.

Like mad vipers made of ice,

the terrible tulips spew slush

All the flowers join a conspiracy that must be kept hush-hush.


She’s trapped in the permafrost

She’s lost

The cost of being double-crossed exhausts all her heat

She’s meat

Her personal holocaust becomes her boss

Star-crossed, storm-tossed, she’s accosted by the beat

🧊🥶 the shivering beat

The chill is so deep, it threatens her soul

The frigidity is so steep, it’s like the North Pole

The blizzard is a buzzard intent on picking her bones

The white-out instills the ultimate sense of being alone


She SCREEEEEEEEAMS for help, knowing she’ll never be heard over the howling winds!!!


He YEEEEEELLS as his mouth burns, certain no one is listening to his gluttonous sin!!!


But somehow


somewhere dreamy

they do hear each other!

and instinctively they act!

He grabs for her! She lunges for him!

A mutual attack!

They yank on each other’s psyches, slamming, ramming, jamming, overwhamming their terrors

And from the apocalyptic impact 💥


💥 💥 a new Big Bang paradigm is born...

------> the perfect temperature!

He is cooled and she is warmed!!

🌝🌚 the very first night they sleep together...

They cancel out each other’s fears

They are right for each other

They are scythes for each other

They wipe away each other’s tears


A plush pastured panoply

sheltered by majestic trees

is manifested by their bravery

Marveling at their combined




they can barely begin to consider what new crops they will farm

All his smelly crimson cowardice,

And all her sneaky blue insecurities,

⚡all their vulnerabilities

😓 all their sensitivities

⚡all their insufficiencies

💥all their animosities

all are remade into curiosities that will no longer do harm!

...no more night-sweats

...no more bone-chills

They sleep like babies in each other's arms


surreal poetry

About the Creator

Lightning Bolt

From out of the blue, _Bolt writes horror galore, Sci-Fi, Superheroes & strange Poetry + MEME-ing MADNESS X12.

Vocal needs a Comedy Community!

Proud member of the Vocal Social Society on Facebook.

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  3. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  1. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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  • Babs Iverson2 years ago


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