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The Unbroken Gaze: A Poem of Simmering Tension and Uninhibited Desire

This free verse poem delves into the raw intensity of a sudden encounter. The speaker stands captivated, watching the woman pour a drink. Every detail, from the messy hair to the clinking ice cubes, builds the suspense. The air crackles with unspoken attraction – a single glance is all it takes for their eyes to lock in a silent conversation. The rising heat, the scent of sweat, and the heavy gazes create a sense of urgency. The slow, deliberate movements heighten the tension until a kiss ignites a firestorm of passion. The poem vividly describes the connection – a collision of skin, sweat, and heat. The lovers are lost in a world of their own, their inhibitions stripped away by the sheer force of their desires.

By Kingsley Gomes, PhD.Published 5 days ago 3 min read

Heatstroke Hearts

I stood in the doorway,

my eyes fixed on the curve of her neck –

as she poured herself a glass of scotch.

The amber liquid glinted in the dim light,

and I could smell the sweet,

Okay scent from where I stood.

Her hair was a mess,

tangled from the day's activities,

and a few stray strands clung to her forehead.

She pushed them away with a distracted gesture,

her fingers playing against her skin.

I felt a twitch in my chest,

a sudden,

intense focus,

as if my senses had narrowed.

She turned to face me,

her eyes locking onto mine –

with an intensity that made my skin prickle.

We didn't say a word,

just stood there,

The cubes grated against the glass,

a soft, rough sound.

I took a step forward,

my boots creaking on the hardwood floor.

She didn't move,

didn't flinch,

just kept her eyes fixed on mine.

I could see the pulse in her neck,

a steady beat that seemed to match –

the rhythm of my own heart.

The room was hot,

the space was dense –

with the scent of sweat and desire.

I could feel the weight of our gazes,

the tension –

building between us like a living thing.

She raised the glass to her lips,

she didn't blink,

didn't look away,

and took a slow, deliberate sip.

The scotch glistened on her lips,

and I felt a sudden,

overwhelming urge to taste it,

to feel her mouth against mine.

My hands were fists at my sides,

my nails digging into my palms.

I didn't dare move,

didn't dare break the spell –

that had us both entranced.

She set the glass down,

Her movements slow and deliberate.

The sound of the glass –

hitting the counter was like a thunder,

breaking the silence and shattering the tension.

For minutes,

we just stood there,

the only sound our ragged breathing.


in a movement that was almost imperceptible,

she leaned forward,

Her eyes stayed steady,

boring into mine.

Every heartbeat seemed to count down to something more,

my entire body coiled and ready to spring.

This was it,

the moment we'd both been waiting for.

The delicate touch of her lips on mine –

was a sensory overload,

her mouth fluttered against mine,

a rapid, staccato beat.

I felt her breath,

warm and whiskey-scented,

and my entire world narrowed to this one,

perfect moment.

Her hands slid up my chest,

and I wrapped my arms around her,

our corpses aligning like magnets.

The kiss was a slow,

deliberate exploration,

our mouths mapping each other's terrain.

The kiss was a collision of skin and sweat and heat,

our shape melting together like wax.

The room around us melted away,

leaving only the two of us,

lost in this sea of desire.

I was aware of every sense,

every touch, every taste.

Her skin was smooth and warm beneath my fingers,

her hair a tangled mess –

that I couldn't get enough of.

We broke apart,

gasping for air,

our chests heaving like we'd just run a marathon.

For minutes,

we just stared at each other,

I was trapped in the depths of her eyes,

unable to look away.


without a word,

we moved together,

exciters crashing –

against each other like waves on the shore.

The impasse was breached,

and we were left to ride the waves of our own desire.

I didn't think,

didn't reason,

just let me be swept away –

by the sheer force of our passion.

We were two entities,

waltzing in perfect sync,

our desire a living,

a burning need that jeopardized to incinerate us,

inborn longings that overrode our rational minds.

Our bodies,

our breath,

our hearts,

our yearning –

That's all that existed.

There was no world outside these four walls,

no past or future,

just this one,

perfect moment of pure,

unadulterated desire.


© 2024 Kingsley Gomes. All Rights Reserved.

heartbreaklove poemsFree Versefact or fiction

About the Creator

Kingsley Gomes, PhD.

Professional engineer with a passion for storytelling, crafting compelling narratives that explore the human experience. Author of poetry, short stories, and inspirational articles, weaving words into emotional journeys.

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    Kingsley Gomes, PhD.Written by Kingsley Gomes, PhD.

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