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The One That Got Away

And The One That Pushed Me

By Sarah JanePublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 1 min read
The One That Got Away
Photo by trail on Unsplash

I can't tell you how many times

I've been "the one who got away"


After all the energy I spent

all the time when I stayed


When efforts weren't reciprocated

and my love was taken

for granted


When you walk away

after giving a love so strong

that's when they miss you

When they realize you're gone


In your absence

they recognize

your value


That out of everyone

you were the one


That's when they recognize

they trashed the golden chalice

that you offered so generously


A boundless love

they won't find

with anyone else



Even then

most of them

are afraid

to return


Not humble enough

to admit they were wrong


after realizing their mistakes

casted on the gentle heart

of a goddess that's strong


It's easier for the ego

to banish themselves

from the queendom

than to kneel before her

and ask for forgiveness


Feeling that

the way they acted

was undeserving

of a love

so deep

so kind


Truth is

they are right


I was too giving


As the good book says

love is patient

love is kind


It also says

you get what you give


and after being patiently kind

for so long without reciprocation

there's no room left in me

to give to someone

who is unappreciative


Yeah I'm the one

who got away

and you're the one

who pushed me

love poems

About the Creator

Sarah Jane

Writing has been Sarah's passion since she was 7 years-old when she began writing poetry and short stories. Now, she's sharing her gift with the world. Subscribe, and come take a whirl in her words.

Tips are appreciated!

IG: @sarahjane.speaks

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