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Jealous Witch

Boiling Cauldron Of Hate

By Sarah JanePublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
Jealous Witch
Photo by Zachary Kadolph on Unsplash

I knew she hated me

when he told me

what she said

in response

to him happily

telling her about

the kind of relationship

we had


"You're gonna miss her

when she leaves."


I knew that meant

she was jealous

and that

it wouldn't be

long before

she tried to

manipulate him

into hating me

as much as she did


I could feel her

jealousy like a fire

the first time that we met

when he went out with me

for an evening walk

to talk over some things


Underneath her plastic smile

was an inferno of hatred

that burned like hell


I took away the attention

from the man

that was feeding

her ego



and I gave him

unconditional love

from my soul


My read was right

Intuition never lies


Like Hansel and Gretel

She fed him bread crumbs

to lead the lost boy

to her house

to devour his soul


While her water boiled

waiting to boil him alive

She told him tales

of the evil outsider

that lives in the cabin

up the crumbless trail


As her ego grumbled

starving to have

his attention

his soul energy

in her belly


She told him

he's safe with her

and lucky he found

the breadcrumbs

leading to her house instead


All the evil inside her

she projected onto me

and he believed her

like an innocent child

lost in the forest


He took refuge

inside the house

at the end of the crumbs

and fell under her spell

of wicked fuckery


Forgetting that at my house

I offer the whole meal

and my fires are soul satisfying


Her evil plan worked

down to the T


But he's not so innocent

because at the fork in the trail

he had a choice between

the warm cabin of my soul

and the fiery witch's den


But breadcrumbs

seemed promising

and the clear path

to my lovely cabin

was only dressed

in soil and pine saplings


He was quick to leave

the path to true love

because he knew

she would be there

to replace me


and he was hungry

for a snack

to feed his own ego


The ego stroke of finally

feeling the touch of the

woman that played him

before real love came

into his life

made him purr

like a stray cat

getting its ass scratched

after months without

a human touch


I am more disappointed

than anything

that someone

with such a good soul

could be so foolish

to fall for

the sly witch's

magic tricks


And waste a good meal

with someone real

who would have nourished him


I've seen her

once again since then

She wouldn't take

her eyes off me


Every move I made

every word I said

she jotted down

in her brain book


That inferno scorched

inside her veins

The witch's cauldron

boiling with hate


I even caught her eavesdropping

on a conversation

I was having with a friend


It's funny how

even though she

got her way

jealousy still lives

in her veins


Intuition tells me

that it's because

she knows

no matter how

hard she tries

she will never be me

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Sarah Jane

Writing has been Sarah's passion since she was 7 years-old when she began writing poetry and short stories. Now, she's sharing her gift with the world. Subscribe, and come take a whirl in her words.

Tips are appreciated!

IG: @sarahjane.speaks

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