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That Feeling of Renewedness

By Miranda MerrittPublished 2 years ago 1 min read

I exhale and breathe in.

I will continue to do this until I can fully describe the feelings underneath.

I think of the cold that surrounds me. I’m stuck in Winter–in the longest month.

I’m here because fall came in the form of a man.

Full of that cozy, wrapped-up-in-a-blanket feeling.

He showed me those tender touches you expect from a loved one during the best of holidays.

He filled me with joy and holiday cheer, and with the promise of closeness

for those long, cold nights.

He warmed my face between his hands and kissed those hot summer days


He filled me with the love that might last me through these winter months.

But the fall ended, and the man who came with it has gone.

I exhale and cold sweeps in to take the warmth.

The cold surrounds and touches the deepest parts of me.

But yet I breathe, like the hibernating trees standing strong

and silent.

Winter is always the longest of seasons,

But even in its darkest, coldest days

Beauty can be found in a snowstorm,

amongst the quiet falling snow.

The stillness of snow-capped trees

echoes back the promise of eternity.

And the glittering snow banks mirror

the beauty of the sun's shimmer.

Winter comes in the form of

solitary beauty.

So, I keep breathing in and exhaling

My warmth; keeping in mind that even though fall is my favorite,

Spring is on its way, and winter is what connects the two.

And when winter comes to its end,

The season that breaks the ground with a new life will emerge.

And bring with it, the colors and the sweet smell of flowers in the air.

Spring, whose closest form is tenderness.

And I exhale.

And I breathe in.

And I will continue to do this until I can fully describe the feelings of renewedness underneath.

heartbreaklove poemsnature poetrysad poetry

About the Creator

Miranda Merritt

I write poems and, sometimes, longer short stories. My inspiration comes from my feelings. I take into account what I am trying to express and then do my best to express those feelings through words.

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