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Random Acts of Kindness - Why?

Why not be kind all the time?

By Paul StewartPublished 10 months ago 1 min read
Random Acts of Kindness - Why?
Photo by Andrew Thornebrooke on Unsplash

Random acts of kindness

Sound so good, so joyful

Random acts of kindness

Just to get the follows


Random acts of kindness

Just to get the likes

Random acts of kindness

Random = engagement


I'm not saying it's wrong

I'm not saying it's great

It makes your content viral

It makes you an online hero


It's fun to surprise a complete stranger

But what about the people you care about?

It's exciting to show a random person you care

But what about being kind all the time?


Specific acts of kindness

Sounds a whole lot better

Systematic acts of kindness

Sounds like a better plan


Meaningful acts of kindness every day, not just when you see a homeless man, woman, or child or queue for fast food or groceries

Heartfelt acts of kindness when there are no cameras around or viral opportunities when giving really means more than receiving

Deliberate acts of kindness regardless of how many followers you have and how much money you have, when the result is a thank you, tears, a smile, and maybe a hug.

Concerted acts of kindness without all the hallmarks of modern, badly veiled narcissistic altruism.


Thanks for reading!

No apologises.

If you need a bit of a laugh, check this piece out:

If you are looking for something thought-provoking, check this out:

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About the Creator

Paul Stewart

Scottish-Italian poet/writer from Glasgow.

Overflowing in English language torture and word abuse.

"Every man has a sane spot somewhere" R.L Stevenson

The Accidental Poet - Poetry Collection is now available!


Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  3. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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Comments (10)

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  • Mariann Carroll10 months ago

    Great message some people choice to ignore

  • Better to be kind than merely to act it. No apologies necessary. You have my appreciation for what you have said.

  • Test10 months ago

    I read this then reread it twice, starting from the ending on up. I felt it both ways, the latter in a way that I had to re-experience. I like piece a whole because it need to be seen.

  • PREACHHHH!!!!!! I wanna print this and paste this everywhere around the world! It should be a worldwide rule!

  • Caroline Craven10 months ago

    Oof. I felt this one. You articulated this so much better than I ever could! Great work.

  • Naomi Gold10 months ago

    OMG. I recently wrote a rant about this. It’s part of that 75% of writing just for me and not meant to be read by others. Felt good to get it out. Felt even better to read your poem and resonate with it so deeply.

  • ARC10 months ago

    Paul. YES. Gahd this is so good. You articulated this so well and packaged it so efficiently! Powerful gut-punch to any who do kindness for the 'gram/tock. My favorite line was your transition line: "Specific acts of kindness..." Amazing pivot. So strong and crisp. Beautiful. Also, your subtitle cracked me up, especially in juxtaposition to your title - love them both! Awesome piece. Thank you for writing this 💙

  • Test10 months ago

    This is spot on. I completely agree. I abhor those posts that starts something like, 'Today I brought a homeless person a Oreo...' And everyone claps like seals, feeding their ego and telling them what an amazing person they are. How about silent acts of kindness?

  • Real Poetic10 months ago

    This is so sweet. Kindness is so important. Thanks for sharing.

  • Jennifer Cooley10 months ago

    Hi, Just touching base letting you know I'm still very much here watching the rate you are uploading material! Now I don't have that kind of time, energy or conviction to reach 300 plus items in 7 days or something! LOL But I sure do like having you on my list to help keep me focused on the changes and results that are going to come once I finally reach that point! I enjoy having someone who is prolific like me on here whose work I can always rely on being able to turn to, and find something new and inspirational that I can take with me and run with it into my creative world and see what it inspires the results of to post on my Vocal page? I like the challenge that as I post up old stuff that I continue finding moments and time of inspiration to write NEW THINGS! And there is where you are on top of things to help me and others like me commit to doing the same! We cannot just rely on our success coming from the decades of hard work we've already done, but also focus on and be reminded to keep going for the decades there are to come to keep on being the writers we are! Anyway I just wanted to share that thought with you! :-) Now how is that for an act of Kindness, does it pass your test? Sincerely, Your New Vocal Friend! Jennifer!

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