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Queen Of Winter Against A Grandparent's Journey

Ekphrastic Poem

By DaphsamPublished 6 months ago 2 min read
Queen Of Winter Against A Grandparent's Journey
Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash

Winter lashes out in fury,

Snowflakes fall in wild flurry,

Below the pale lavender sky,

Queen of Winter’s raging cry.


Winds howling like a coyotes yell into the night,

The beating of winds on bare trees concealed in white.

A lone traveler, covered in snow.

Treks through with guidance of the tired day’s glow.


Winter coat of rabbit fur and oak colored leather,

A wool hat to stay warm from the frigid weather.

Boots that once were dry,

Now wet from the Queen of Winter’s tearful eye.


Determination to battle the tongues,

of the icy snowflakes burning in the lungs.

There was no choice, it is Christmas Eve,

The traveler had to leave.


Snap! Crunch! Goes the victim of twigs,

From under the traveler's boots so big.

The carpet of frozen blue laying across beaten path,

Was as slippery as abandon ice filled birdbath.


The ribbons of swirling wind,

Hissing through the trees never declined,

The persist storm continued on,

No care that it was a holiday that would soon be gone.


The Queen of Winter was in a mood.

She wanted to cover everything silvery white, and stripe every tree nude.


The traveler followed the darken footsteps in blue hues,

To keep to the path the snow was obscuring the views.

With hints of grass looking like the colors of an old avocado,

Dead plants waving like skeletons the, Traveler keep up, bravado.


Faint scents from the basket of homemade cookies, pie and bread,

Cinnamon, vanilla, yeast and apples all fled,

In the wind of the crisp fresh cold snow,

Queen of Winter stole the Traveler’s aromas with her icy breaths blow.


The pounding of the Traveler's heart,

Picked up with a start.

What new noise was that?

Please don’t let it be an angry Bobcat!


The Traveler had one mission on this night,

To get to the Grandchildren without an added fight.

It was Christmas Eve,

The sound must just be frost heave.


Keeping head low,

Plodding along through the snow.

Traveler knew there was more than one gift given tonight,

The gift of determination shown to the Grandchildren, by a Grandparent who will arrive in time to say Merry Christmas and good night.


Thank you for reading.

nature poetryperformance poetrylove poemsinspirationalHoliday

About the Creator


Loving Wife, Mom, Dog Mom- A Dyslexic dreamer who never thought I could read or write. But life changed, and I conquered my fears. I am an artist, photographer, wordsmith and illustrator. Looking to weave stories and poems with my artwork.

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Comments (6)

  • Randy Wayne Jellison-Knock4 months ago

    Thoughts of "Good King Wenceslas" combined with the Babushkas of Eastern Europe run through my head with this. Ah the gift of a grandparent's love.

  • Cathy holmes6 months ago

    So beautifully descriptive. Well done.

  • A wonderful description of the image. I had to look up Ekphrastic though

  • Mariann Carroll6 months ago

    Nicely done

  • Awww, this was just so sweet and touching. Beautiful poem!

  • Mark Graham6 months ago

    Quite the remembrances of Christmas's past travels. Great work.

DaphsamWritten by Daphsam

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