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What truly sets morality?

By Daniel CottlesPublished 8 months ago 1 min read
Photo by Philippe Oursel on Unsplash

The difference between right and wrong

What’s good and what’s evil

A set of rules that one follows


However, this is different from everybody

As a whole we can say yay or nay

But really who’s to say

What’s right for me is what’s wrong for you

What makes me happy can give you despair

What makes me sad can give you joy


It’s not about who’s wrong or right

It’s about how we feel on the inside

But how do we live together when we keep this in mind

How do we live and let be

How do we live and let die

Civilizations has tried and tried

To perfect a world for which we reside

But at the same time we lose ourselves

Nobody can stray away from the thoughts of the majority

If you do, you’ll be faced with a penalty

Whether that be through time or shame

The crime is breaking away

A book justifies the rules of nations today


We can start wars based on belief

We can start wars based on money or grief

Our troops can die for somebody else’s beliefs

Individualism is what kills a person or a nation

Free thinkers forced to keep to themselves

Speak and you are disgrace

Speak then it’s hate

Speak then you’re the problem that needs to be erased

Act on your thoughts then your the problem

It could be deemed good or bad

The majority may agree

But the minority may disagree

Society you can not please


I can do me

You can do you

We can live in peace

As long as you want that to be

We are free to think

But can cause arguments if we say


Where does the good begin?

Where does the bad begin?

When does action need to begin?


social commentarysurreal poetry

About the Creator

Daniel Cottles

Just a Alabama hick

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