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Memory's Garden.

"Finding Peace and Purpose in the Garden of the Mind".

By Samiha Bushra Published 27 days ago 1 min read

In the garden of our minds,
Where memories bloom and wind,
There lies a flower, deep and true,
A memory, both joy and rue.

Sometimes it sings with joy's sweet tune,
A cherished moment 'neath the moon.
But sometimes, oh, it brings such pain,
Like clouds that hide the sunny reign.

Try as we might, to push away,
This memory, it decides to stay.
It clings to us with unseen chains,
A weight upon our hearts remains.

Yet in this struggle, let us find,
A lesson for our hearts and mind.
For in the sea of memories vast,
We can choose which ones to last.

Let's sow the seeds of kindness deep,
In others' hearts, let's plant and reap.
For if we let our pain dictate,
It spreads like wildfire, burning fate.

So let's be makers of delight,
In every dawn and every night.
For memories, though they may be bittersweet,
Can shape a world where love's complete.

Let's try to erase bad or painful memories from our lives to live happily ever after.

sad poetryMental Healthheartbreak

About the Creator

Samiha Bushra

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