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By Naomi GeorgePublished 10 months ago 1 min read

We all know that the heart-broker's art,

Always produces a shattered heart,

His words like arrows, piercing and cruel,

Leaving wounds unseen, a love turned to fuel.


He weaves his web, a master of disguise,

Playing with hearts, leaving them paralyzed.

His tongue, an instrument, dripping with disdain,

Inflicting pain, leaving only stains.


But amidst the wreckage, a spirit awakes,

A heart once broken, yet not shattered, it takes.

For in forgiveness lies the strength to be free,

To release the chains, to let go and see.


She forgives the heart-broker, though scars may remain,

Knowing that peace lies beyond the chains of pain.

She embraces her worth, her spirit anew,

Breaking free from the darkness, bidding adieu.


No longer will she be a captive in his game,

No longer will she be a pawn in his shame.

With kindness, she rises, her heart light and clear,

Wishing him love as she steps out of fear.


So, let the heart-broker learn from this tale,

That love is not a game, hearts are not for sale.

For in the end, it's compassion that sets us apart,

Not the heart-broker's art, but a loving heart.


May he find his own path, a change of his ways,

To heal the wounds caused by his hurtful displays.

And as she moves forward, her heart strong and whole,

She leaves behind the heart-broker's toll.

sad poetrylove poemsheartbreak

About the Creator

Naomi George

I'm an introvert who embraces the power of words, and needed an outlet to have a voice. I am delighted to be part of this platform and hope I create a positive impact on those who dare enter my mind. Thank you for reading, be blessed.

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