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Know your worth.

By Naomi GeorgePublished 10 months ago 1 min read

In a place of 'love', a bitter tale unfolds,

A woman, entangled, in wretched holds.

Dealing with a lover gone astray,

She becomes third party in a disheartening play.


Her partner, a wanderer, seeks others' embrace,

Leaving her feeling lost, aching his space.

Each night, he ventures into infidelity's snare,

Leaving her behind, burdened with despair.


Tears cascade like rain, dampening her soul,

As the pain deepens, she yearns to be whole.

She dreams of courage, to break these chains,

Escape the sorrow, to where freedom remains.


A battle rages within, heart against mind,

For she knows deep down, love should be kind.

Her heart aches for change, for a love reborn,

Yet her fear binds her, keeping her forlorn.


But within her lies a spirit, fierce and bold,

Ready to break free from a story gone cold.

To leave behind the role of the forsaken,

To find her own path, no longer mistaken.


She gathers her shattered fragments, one by one,

Resolving to rise, to find a new home.

To forge a future where she's the leading role,

Where her heart finds solace, where she becomes whole.


May she find the courage to leave the dismay,

To walk away from a love that won't stay.

For she deserves a love that's true and sincere,

Where she's not third party, but cherished and dear.

sad poetrylove poemsheartbreak

About the Creator

Naomi George

I'm an introvert who embraces the power of words, and needed an outlet to have a voice. I am delighted to be part of this platform and hope I create a positive impact on those who dare enter my mind. Thank you for reading, be blessed.

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