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haiku october two

second week in october in 49 haiku

By kory salajkaPublished 8 months ago 5 min read
block print, handcarved rubber block, waterbased inkpad | original art 2023

floor's been vibrating

all through the night - didn't sleep

party house down there

. . . [10/8/23]

. . .

i walked down to check

and of course it was that house

he said he would stop

. . . [10/8/23]

. . .

so, i sit with tea

list'ning to birds, watching squirrels

hoping it will

. . . [10/8/23]

. . .

ocean disappears

fog thick enough to disguise

surfers on the edge

. . . [10/8/23]

. . .

i am everything

and you are everything too

how 'bout we try that

. . . [10/8/23]

. . .

grey and grey and white

looks like slow motion surfing

looks like a good day

. . . [10/8/23]

. . .

can't see the offing

the fog eats the ocean up

it gets disappeared

. . . [10/8/23]

. . .

trying to see through

but the grey just gets thicker

takes your sight away

. . . [10/8/23]

. . .

so many surfers

and usually not right here

today is diff'rent

. . . [10/8/23]

. . .

waiting for our friends

we're good if they come or don't

this is what we do

. . . [10/8/23]

. . .

it's october now

is this the end of the year

is this too early

. . . [10/9/23]

. . .

both have been chasing

or a kind of catching up

fin'lly saying "yes"

. . . [10/9/23]

. . .

what is it you want

get clear and then go for it

get clear and then go

. . . [10/9/23]

. . .

i could cry right now

just at being - that is it

they walked in and out

. . . [10/9/23]

. . .

can you hear my words

we speaking the same language

what is words with us

. . . [10/9/23]

. . .

talk to some people

see if there's something to do

then decide - not now

. . . [10/10/23]

. . .

i'm a bit nervous

and my hands look quite a mess

just be receptive

. . . [10/10/23]

. . .

that was yesterday

this is today - not the same

might seem a little

. . . [10/11/23]

. . .

have to remember

to sit in some peace daily

i usually do

. . . [10/11/23]

. . .

because we allow

murder at all then it can

keep on happening

. . . [10/11/23]

. . .

it can't be ok

not in any way at all

not even that way

. . . [10/11/23]

. . .

people justify

we make things ok for us

not always for "them"

. . . [10/11/23]

. . .

murder for murder

what the fuck are we doing

just living you say

. . . [10/11/23]

. . .

an eye for an eye

and some murder for murder

can no longer be

. . . [10/11/23]

. . .

we are all trying

of course in our diff'rent ways

what do the birds say?

. . . [10/12/23]

. . .

ah, it's birds and dogs

those the sweet sounds of this 'hood

they do delight me

. . . [10/12/23]

. . .

like that one chirping

really has a lot to say

what's it all about

. . . [10/12/23]

. . .

dodgers really lost

it's like they weren't there

it happened again

. . . [10/12/23]

. . .

thursday, my friday

off tomorrow for some fun

just nice to be off

. . . [10/12/23]

. . .

i'll study some stuff

get better at this new skill

and see what fun comes

. . . [10/12/23]

. . .

a birthday haiku

one for me and one for you

if today's yours too

. . . [10/13/23]

. . .

another year done

always feels a bit special

reminded of start

. . . [10/13/23]

. . .

what of the start then

back in nineteen seven five

we never know it

. . . [10/13/23]

. . .

mem'ries start to come

we remember what we do

and don't what we don't

. . . [10/13/23]

. . .

some i think quite good

some i wish would stop coming

working to let go

. . . [10/13/23]

. . .

start another year

make some promises or don't

try to do good things

. . . [10/13/23]

. . .

relax and release

that was good advice i'll take

and keep practicing

. . . [10/13/23]

. . .

all the well wishes

funny to have your own day

it's all a bit strange

. . . [10/13/23]

. . .

and then tomorrow

it's not your day anymore

but of course it is

. . . [10/13/23]

. . .

i said what i said

and i work to be careful

i hope that it helps

. . . [10/13/23]

. . .

what a nice birthday

special time with my sweetie

yep, he's the best one

. . . [10/14/23]

. . .

now, cake hangovers

maybe it was the icecream

oh! we're paying now

. . . [10/14/23]

. . .

funny how in time

we figure out what hurts most

or what hurts at all

. . . [10/14/23]

. . .

decide yes or no

decide when or how or if

deciding all day

. . . [10/14/23]

. . .

how do you feel now

what choices for you feel good

what choices are next

. . . [10/14/23]

. . .

perhaps the skin's thin

tore yourself apart a bit

i think it's ok

. . . [10/14/23]

. . .

but recognize this

this discomfort is a sign

just like all pain is

. . . [10/14/23]

. . .

so as i sit here

i'm not quite sure what is next

and you aren't either

. . . [10/14/23]

. . .

i hope you're ok

i know the future looks strange

i know we don't know

. . . [10/14/23]

. . .

. . .

thank you for reading. what a week. a lot of murder going on. civilians, children. everybody. over there. and we here. some directly connected. some not. but are. and still happening now. horrific (not even a strong enough word. words fail)

my 48th birthday. i am loving closing in on 50 (as my dad put it). aging and watching myself age (the grey is coming in fast) is a blast. i heard a talk this week from a woman who is in remission from breast cancer and she spoke of the privilege of aging -- i'll take that in.

i hope you are well, thank you, again, for reading -- kory

social commentarysad poetrynature poetrylove poemsinspirationalheartbreakart

About the Creator

kory salajka

i am a multi-disciplinary artist who has come to writing haiku daily to let out what’s inside as i live about the world, and i am loving it - (all original art)

connect w/ me and/or check out my visual art on instragram

or my website


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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran8 months ago

    Wishing you a belated veryyyy Happy Birthday! Loved your Haikus. And yes, there's just murder going on everywhere 🥺

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