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From the Heart...

A Poem

By Steven BaldryPublished 7 years ago 1 min read

From the Heart...

You were the closest thing to perfection that I had ever seen.

So much Beauty so full of passion, it all felt like such Dream.

I swear the first time you said you loved me I had never felt so alive.

I had never felt as happy as I did that night.

I don’t know what happened!

If it was me or you.

Maybe it was the truth that separated us as winds of change blew.

Where there were nights of wild passion...

I now lay alone cold as Ice.

With the weight of the knowledge that you were my Sacrifice.

If I sleep which sometimes happens I still reach for your hand.

When I open my eyes I find it hard to understand.

How I went against my heart and had to let you go.

For my head was shouting the bitter truth and it all began to show.

That as much as I wanted to be the man you needed in your life.

I could never be the father to your child or take you as my wife.

I could never promise you the words that you wanted to hear.

So I remained silent and softly disappeared.

I could not change who I had become and I could never put you first.

However I had felt broken before this time it was worse.

I could see what you needed and I knew it wasn’t me.

I loved you so much, I just wanted you to be happy.

So I listened to my head and built the walls back round my heart.

Everyday I fight the urge to get in touch in vain.

I pray that happiness finds you and your happily ever after does start.

You find all you’ve ever wanted and you are smiling again.


About the Creator

Steven Baldry

I have been writing Poetry since I was a teenager. Now in my late thirties I enjoy it more than ever. I find it a wonderful release and it helps me to free my mind and understand myself and my emotions.

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