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For Better, For (Much, Much) Worse

For Richer, For (In Every Aspect) Poorer

By Thavien YliasterPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Made by the courtesy of NightCafe Studio https://creator.nightcafe.studio/

After waiting years

At last, they had found themselves

In each others' arms


Exchanging their vows

They had both made promises

For Better. For Worse.

By Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash


In the Beginning

Better days were abundant

Worse days were hiccups


Sure, they had sour days

A few ashes in their mouths

Yet, life was still sweet


Sure, they could thank Youth

Later, they'd blame its absence

Then, they'd blame themselves


Things were clean and neat

They were always listening

They were attentive


"Were..." That's the main word.

"Was..." Descriptor of their past.

"Back then..." They promised.

By Levi Alvarez on Unsplash




She never listens.

She thinks that she's always right.

She pisses me off.


She doesn't work at all.

She cries when we're arguing.

She spends all our cash.


I help clean the house.

She says I don't clean it right.

What else does she want?

By Jp Valery on Unsplash




He's always angry.

He's always looking for fights.

He pisses me off.


He's always at work.

I'm not his personal whore.

He only wants sex.


He wants a divorce.

He used to want to have kids,

but he doesn't want me.

By Mathieu Stern on Unsplash



They tried therapy.

They also got counseling.

They didn't feel better.


They had vacations.

They escaped reality.

Yet, they were real.

By Andy Crone on Unsplash


Besides their luggage,

they brought their baggage with them.

Nothing was working.


One day, they argued.

Neighboring rooms could hear them.

Their anger poured out.


The heat of passion

began to overtake them.

They fought through their flesh.


Done out of anger,

done out of furious wrath,

none of it was love.


Their sheer frustration

that was boiling underneath

came to the surface.


That night, things were cooled.

Resentment was still present.

This was false treatment.


Yet, even false hope

is needed from time-to-time.

They needed that sign.


They thought things had changed.

They only snowballed further.

Life picked up on them.


He wanted children.

She wanted to have them too.

They tried many times.




She only wants me

because she's ovulating.

I'm just a breeder.


She won't make love to

me unless she's trying to

make use of her eggs.


Sure, I want kids too.

I'd love to have kids with her.

She's not loving me.


She loves ideas

of having kids, but why can't

she love me right now?


She wants to love them.

She imagines loving them.

Yet, she won't love me.


She thinks of their needs.

Why won't she think of my needs.

Do I neglect her?




Why won't he hold me?

I'm trying to grow new life.

Does he still want me?


He doesn't affirm me.

He refuses to cuddle.

It's like he's annoyed.


We both want children.

Why does he seem angrier?

He doesn't want to talk.


He was sensual.

He used to be romantic.

He's not loving me.


What am I too him?

I feel like I'm a heifer.

Am I being used?


He won't care for me.

It's like he's avoiding me.

Did I neglect him?



They tried, and they failed.

The miscarriages were tough.

There was too much stress.


Then, they had success.

Her belly grew over time.

Her stress became his.

By freestocks on Unsplash


They became nervous.

The baby was on its way.

Anxiety grew.


Her hormones kicked in.

However, they shared mood swings.

Their blood pressures rose.


Misery for nine

months went by. As the baby

grew with their loathing.


In the cold of March,

late one night her water broke.

They rushed to safety.


She had squeezed his hand

while being in labor for

an eternity.

By Stephen Andrews on Unsplash


She pushed and she pushed,

until finally she crowned.

The baby slid out.


Relieved it was done,

they did not understand that

there was more to come.


Late nights with diapers.

Teething rings and sore nipples.

Incessant screaming.

By Brytny.com on Unsplash


Their needs were replaced.

Someone more vulnerable

needed them right now.


Days soon became weeks.

Weeks too had turned into months,

and months became years.

By Mockaroon on Unsplash


Their baby grew up.

An infant to a toddler

Crawling to running


One kid became two.

Two children had become three.

They outnumbered them.


Their convertible

By Jakub Pabis on Unsplash

soon became a mini-van.

By Isaac Martin on Unsplash

They sold their condo.

By Naasu Asakura on Unsplash


They needed more space

So, they had to buy a house,

By Tom Rumble on Unsplash

but what about school?



First I work all day.

When I get home I work too.

There's no relaxing.


I have tasks at work.

Then I have chores once I'm home.

Where does the time go?


Sure, we have three kids.

I don't get to play with them

since I earn the bread.


I'm the 'bad parent.'

I have to enforce the rules,

like brushing their teeth.


Now, she stays at home.

Taking care to raise them up.

I miss everything.


I slave away here.

I'm kept from my family.

Forced to keep working.




Bleeding, Aching, Sore

I loved my husband's, but now

I dread my children's


I'm always touched out

Grubby little hands all day

then two more at night


Is my body mine?

Am I just real estate?

Never for myself?


I feel stuck at home.

I have no life of my own.

Surrounded by kids.


'Mommy' this or that.

I used to have a full name.

Now, I'm just a 'mom.'


He goes off to work

interacting with adults

leaving me at home.



Private or public?

They'd still have to pay taxes.

Plus, the kids had grown.

By MChe Lee on Unsplash


They needed more cash.

They went on a strict budget.

They saved and couponed.

By Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash


She went back to work.

She returned to her career.

The kids went to school.


They had to take turns.

Picking up and dropping off,

groceries, cleaning.


Soon, the kids had sports.

Weekends had become Week-Works.

Swimming, Soccer, Track

By Debra Brewster on Unsplash


Baseball and football

By Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Instrument lessons came too

By EAVONE Jazzman on Unsplash

Parent-Teacher Nights


They had no date nights.

Lowe's soon became romantic.

By Brooke Winters on Unsplash

They had "dating trips."


They kissed at Walmart.

By Caique Morais on Unsplash

Were hand-holding at Target.

By Max Bender on Unsplash

They danced at Macy's.

By Stephan Kelle on Unsplash


They were all apart

for most of the day. At night

they searched for their spark.


They had small bad things.

They also had small good things

to be thankful for.


On the couch one night

They both looked at each other.

"For better. For worse."



social commentarysurreal poetrysad poetrylove poemsheartbreakfact or fiction

About the Creator

Thavien Yliaster

Thank You for stopping by. Please, make yourself comfortable. I'm a novice poet, fiction writer, and dream journalist.



Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  4. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  5. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (8)

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  • Chloe Gilholy5 months ago

    Wonderful story, I was surprised with the happy ending, I really expected they would divorce but the ending worked for me.

  • You know, I've never been a fan of marriage or kids before this. And your poem convinced me even more, lol! I'm glad they got a happy ending though. I loved your poem!

  • Gina C.about a year ago

    Wow! This was so full of rawness, honesty, and emotion; brought tears to my eyes 🥹 Well done, Thavien!

  • J. S. Wadeabout a year ago

    Spot on! 🥰

  • KJ Aartilaabout a year ago

    This was an inspiring journey through the turbulence of marriage. :). Nice work!

  • Bex Jordanabout a year ago

    I felt their story. Beautifully done!

  • Cathy holmesabout a year ago

    This is so well done, and holds a lot of truth.

  • Heather Hublerabout a year ago

    Ah, so many bits and pieces of that rang true. Awesome job making that flow with the haiku constraints. Well done!!

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