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Fatigued Sleep

Who could be on the inside, knocking?

By Thavien YliasterPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
Fatigued Sleep
Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

"Somebody's knocking at your door,

Somebody's knocking at your door,

O sinner, why don't you answer?

Somebody's knocking at your door."

By Jason Wong on Unsplash

Who am I?

I am but a sinner

A mere sinner

Disgruntled at my life so far

Disgruntled that my shine's no star

I'm a sinner

I grow sickened when I take delight

In perverse obscenities that would give others frights

At least, that's what I think

Yet, when we speak aloud

Pull back the shroud

I don't feel alone, Nor proud

But, I guess it's okay when things happen that way

Since I'm only human

As long as I don't trespass against others I'll still see the light of day

By Luca Nicoletti on Unsplash

The Bell Tolls

As Night Rolls

The carpeting shadow cloaks our land as the sun from Apollo's chariot

Is pulled away to bring light to others

Yet the light in my heart these days has seem to be smothered

By Ed Robertson on Unsplash

There's darkness eroding

Darkness corroding

Spilling away, there's darkness exploding

Filling every nook and cranny

From which my blood seeps

The currency of my soul

I feel my blood weep

By Cassi Josh on Unsplash


I turn off the lights to undress

My teeth have been brushed, I sleep with fresh breath

"Are you meeting somebody?"

I might just, if I'm weak

In my prayers I ask to wake up from my sleep

By Jack Sharp on Unsplash

I sit there, half-naked on my bed

I sit there, sleep, between the living and the dead

I sit there, Feeling as if I fumbled in my prayer

So, I speak it aloud from memory. Not just in my head, I am a sayer.

By Zane Lee on Unsplash

Sleep, it does not come easily

Sleep, I chase it in my dreams

I run to beds with blankets of high thread counts

Hoping to get a few blessed seconds, hopefully a minute,

Before I must dismount

The steed of REM that leads me to dreams

Unconscious reality, sometimes I hunted, it schemes

By Ahmed Ashhaadh on Unsplash

Awaken, but not up

I see around me with closed eyelids

I see my face, my hair, my sweat,

Then the door, it moves, as of yet

By charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

"Somebody's knocking at your door,

Somebody's knocking at your door,

O sinner, why don't you answer?

Somebody's knocking at your door."

By Jason Wong on Unsplash

As I see the dark door

In my core

It shakes

It quakes

Something on the other side

Berates me and challenges me to get up

My eyes are closed, my head facing the other wall

But I see the door behind me


Slamming over again


It wants to get in

"Let me in. Let me in."

A dark voice is not spoken, but the actions are as clear as day

I can't see what's on the other side

Yet it comes this way

By Mathias Reding on Unsplash

My door opens

A presence enters

I hear heavy breathing

It's not mine

But fear seething

Unleashing something in my room that I cannot seen

I know it sound absurd, but my opponent is unseen

An unwanted invisible guest

Maybe comprised a mist

Stands amidst

Me within my room

Knowing that its size is immense

My room becomes a tomb

Things are moved around

Picked up and thrown down

A trash can knocked over

Then, just like that, "Red Rover. Red Rover."

It walks away closing the door

I awakened, fatigued and feeling sore

By Christian Werther on Unsplash

Then next night it returns once again

Standing overtop me, breathing out and in

It's large, muscular, the invisible beast

Upon my fear of itself, it does try to feast

I was angry that time at being awake

Thoughts stirred in my head, aroused they did take

And start to manifest as my anger took place

I could feel myself scowl, carnal anger sat upon my face

"This darn thing's going to lie on me."

Was my prevailing thought

In the end, I was not wrong

Upon myself it seemed that I had brought

As the beast lurched forward, arms flailing back and behind

I couldn't tell what was real, or a simulation inside my mind

It fell atop of me, crushing me beneath its weight

Then like a mist, it was still heavy, but light, "Was it fake?"

Like a fog that spread out over on top of my sheets

I guess I was protected, since my comforter I lied beneath

Yes, if You're reading this and are still somehow intrigued

I woke up from that, for the second time, still feeling fatigued

By Christian Werther on Unsplash

The next time it happened, I heard the knocking at the door

Just like last time, it let itself in just like before

I was tired of this thing

I was clearly being harassed

This time I wanted to fight back, I wanted to kick this thing's ass

The paralysis had begun, it had already set in

I had willed myself to fight, to get up, I refuse to lie down and let it win

The presence approached me walking closer to my bed

I was facing the wall, not the door, it approached the back of my head

Whirling around with every ounce of my strength

I went to throw a punch, extending my arm's full length

The invisible beast took a form, it resembled a familiar face

Instead of an invisible demonic goat, I saw a young sibling in its place

Even though I broke the paralysis spell, I wasn't the fastest

When I saw my younger sibling there, frozen up, I moved through molasses

Their sick game they played, I swore it made me sicker

Changing the viscosity of the air, the fluid was now thicker

By engin akyurt on Unsplash

Nights went by, where I thought I slept in peace

I was bothered again, of my peace the visitor took a piece

Again at my door there was a knocking

Fatigued, in this sleep, I got up and went walking

By Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash

"Somebody's knocking at your door,

Somebody's knocking at your door,

O sinner, why don't you answer?

Somebody's knocking at your door"

By Edan Cohen on Unsplash


Author's Notes: For anybody that would like to read about one of my journaled experiences of an encounter; I'll provide a link below. Please, don't read if You're easily frightened.

performance poetrysurreal poetry

About the Creator

Thavien Yliaster

Thank You for stopping by. Please, make yourself comfortable. I'm a novice poet, fiction writer, and dream journalist.



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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  2. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  3. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (4)

  • Colleen Millsteed 2 years ago

    Wow a fantastic take on the prompt. Creepy and perfect.

  • KJ Aartila2 years ago

    What a creepy experience! Well done. 👻

  • Whoaaa that was so unexpected and super creepy!

  • Babs Iverson2 years ago

    Impressive!!! Left a ♥

Thavien YliasterWritten by Thavien Yliaster

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