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Detective Brown's Eerie Village Halloween Adventure


By James GreenPublished about a year ago 1 min read

Detective Brown was in a bind,

With no cases on her mind,

She decided to take a break,

And attend a village Halloween party for her sake.

The villagers were dressed in spooks,

And the party had lots of cooks,

Ghosts and goblins were roaming around,

With witches cackling could be heard in the background sound.

But as the night went on,

A murder was committed, before dawn.

The victim, a local farmer, was found hanging from the rafters with a note pinned to his chest that read "Trick or Treat."

Detective Brown, was on the case,

And she started to retrace,

The steps of all in attendance,

To find the perpetrator's intention.

She asked questions, took notes,

And followed the faintest of quotes,

She pieced together the clues,

And found the killer, in his shoes.

The villagers were in shock,

But Detective Brown, had unlocked,

The mystery of the murder,

And brought the perpetrator to the jury.

As for Detective Brown, she couldn't shake off the eerie feeling,

that the killer might have been a ghost or demon, who was dealing,

in death and fear, it was vile,

But the case was closed and the killer was brought to trial.

The villagers thanked Detective Brown for her hard work, but they couldn't shake off the feeling that something sinister still lurked in the shadows of that Halloween night.


About the Creator

James Green

Weaving words into captivating worlds, this author's storytelling will transport you to realms of imagination and leave you breathless.

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