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Chaos and Calm

"Embrace the chaos and find your calm within."

By Ashish DebnathPublished about a year ago 2 min read

"The sun rises in the morning sky,

An wdith it comes the hustle and bustle of life.

People rushing to and fro,

Like ants in search of food and home.

The streets are lined with cars and buses,

Horns blaring, engines revving, people pushing.

Amidst the chaos and the crowd,

We try to find our place, our sound.

The air is thick with the scent of coffee,

Of freshly baked bread, of flowers in bloom.

We drink it in, we savour it,

Amidst the noise and the movement.

But amidst the chaos, there is calm,

A stillness that settles like a balm.

It comes in the form of a quiet moment,

A pause to breathe, to find our content.

We walk in the park, we sit by the river,

We watch the world go by, and we shiver

At the beauty that surrounds us,

At the peace that envelops us.

The sun sets in the evening sky,

And with it comes the hush of the night.

The streets are quiet, the crowds are gone,

And we are left with the stars and the moon.

Amidst the calm of the night,

We find a solace, a respite.

The world slows down, and so do we,

As we bask in the silence, and we are free.

The world is full of contrasts,

Of chaos and calm, of light and dark.

But amidst it all, there is a balance,

A rhythm that beats like a heart.

We live in a world of contradictions,

Of noise and stillness, of life and death.

But amidst it all, there is a purpose,

A reason for being, a purpose for breath.

So let us embrace the chaos and the calm,

And find our place in this world's symphony.

Let us dance to the rhythm of life,

And let our souls sing with the melody.

For amidst the chaos and the calm,

We find our balance, our harmony.

And in that balance, we find our peace,

Our place in the world's tapestry.

So let us live our lives with purpose,

With passion, with joy, with grace.

For amidst the chaos and the calm,

We find our place, our home, our space".

surreal poetryvintageslam poetrysad poetryperformance poetrynature poetrylove poemsinspirationalheartbreakfact or fiction

About the Creator

Ashish Debnath

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