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Cascading Colours

Who Ever Knew.

By Cathy DeslippePublished 3 years ago 1 min read
Modelling Days 1980

Glittering shades and highlights to.

Showing all of the possibilities that I can do.

From escaping an accident and loosing my sight.

The darkness lingered over, only dreaming for light.

With shimmering hope and a dream come true.

Six long months and I seen the sky so blue.

Than yes I modeled and wearing shades of purple, yellow and pink.

I felt great wearing fashion that words could only describe in ink.

My heart is made of a bright shimmering gold.

My love for others is a story to be told.

As white as the clouds and yellow as the sun.

I am independent and I love to have fun.

The shades of nature brown, blue and green.

Boosts my energy, feeling like what I did as a teen.

The softer the shade, relaxation I do feel.

Time to meditate, refocus and heal.

From grief of those who have just past away.

My heroes in every single way.

The colours of my writing spell out on the sheet.

Orange, yellow, green, blue ,purple , which is rather unique.

With glitter and sparkle mixed with time.

I share my feelings especially when I rhyme.

Bright, dark, pale has no impact on me.

Loving myself and others equally ,is who I will always be.

I live everyday shimmering in shades.

Cascading in oxfords and denims that never fades.


About the Creator

Cathy Deslippe

Catherine Deslippe

At the age of 7, I became an author. I am an international writer with many authors; all royalties went to cancer patients without insurance. I used to write to cope, but now I write to bring others hope.

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