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Cancelling Mother’s Day

To Old, To Tired, To Sad

By Cathy DeslippePublished 3 years ago 1 min read
Cancelling Mother’s Day
Photo by Skiathos Greece on Unsplash

I Have Tried!

I dreamt of the day, I became a mom.

The joy of a child , a feeling you have won.

The miracle and joy it brings.

Better than any material things.

While they were cuddling with you,

so sweet and fun.

The joy of watching them grow.

Ten fingers, ten tiny toes.

Then all of a sudden the word hate comes out.

As a mother you feel like your heart has broke.

It just goes down hill at this time.

It doesn’t matter what you say or do, you feel empty and no reason to shine.

You become compared to others as they wished they were there mom.

They even make you believe you are way to dumb.

Your screamed at, but when they want you.

They can be so kind, of course you give in,what else is there to do.

The depth of the word hate.

Let’s you know, there is no love nor will they appreciate.

They don’t love you, they only use you.

What is a mother suppose to do.

Not one but two.

Now it breaks your heart when they turn your grandchildren on you.

So for now, I am taking a break.

If I am there problem, if I am not around, there will be no mistake.

I’ve tried hard to do the best I can.

This Mother’s Day is over before it began.

I will celebrate my mom in heaven above.

For I miss her so much and send her so much love.

I wish I could have been like my mom.

My best friend, a woman who loved to have fun.

I have struggled with illness and my kids didn’t care.

Please help me, all I wanted to be was a good mom, this isn’t fair.

I do hope for them they find what they want for them.

They will find happiness and possibly start over again.

In my heart is where they will always be.

I’m to old, to tired and it’s time to just set them free.


About the Creator

Cathy Deslippe

Catherine Deslippe

At the age of 7, I became an author. I am an international writer with many authors; all royalties went to cancer patients without insurance. I used to write to cope, but now I write to bring others hope.

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