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An Accidental Poet

Human Tone!

By Karun Published 11 months ago 1 min read
An Accidental Poet
Photo by Mulyadi on Unsplash

Each spoken word, a brushstroke on life's stage,

Emotions unfurl, in a timeless engage.

The whispers of love, like a gentle breeze,

Caress our hearts, put restless minds at ease.

human tones that rise and softly sail.

For I, an accidental poet with humble grace,

Shall spin a verse with common words to embrace.

melodies of language, we find our voice,

With syllables and phrases, we make our choice.

The tapestry of thoughts, a canvas to paint,

Expressing the depths of joy and soul's faint.

ones of anger, fiery words may flare,

A stormy tempest, words can't help but bear.

But in restraint, a calmness can be found,

To heal the wounds and turn life's wheel around.

The hues of sadness, painted in shades of blue,

Expressed through tears, a sorrow known to few.

Yet in shared solace, a gentle harmony,

A touch, a smile, can bridge the deepest sea.

With laughter's symphony, our spirits ignite,

A chorus of joy, like stars in the night.

A mirthful tone, contagious and bright,

It lifts our souls, unveils life's sweet delight.

Through tales we tell, our stories intertwine,

We share our journeys, like grapes on the vine.

With words as vessels, we travel far and wide,

Through ancient lands, and worlds yet to abide.

In the tapestry of faces, emotions unveiled,

The joys and sorrows that never have failed.

With empathy's touch, the poet delves deep,

Gathering fragments of humanity to keep.

The poetry of life lies in the mundane,

In the laughter shared and tears that rain.

In the light of a smile, a tender embrace,

An accidental poet finds beauty and grace.

In simple words, let our hearts be known.

For in each syllable, a world takes flight,

An accidental poet finds purest light.

let us Honour the human tone.

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About the Creator


🌿✨ Karun, a poet weaving emotions into verses, embarked on the journey of words to unearth the beauty of feelings. In the delicate dance of ink and emotion, my poetry delves into the nexus of the human heart and the natural world.✍️

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