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A Mother’s Love Subtitle a Poem for Mother’s Day

A Poem for Mother’s Day

By Tameka StrongPublished about a year ago 1 min read
A Mother’s Love Subtitle a Poem for Mother’s Day
Photo by Liana Mikah on Unsplash

A mother's love is like the sun,

It shines on everyone.

It warms our hearts and lights our way,

And never fades or goes astray.

A mother's love is like a tree,

It shelters and protects you and me.

Its branches strong, its roots run deep,

A love that we will always keep.

On Mother's Day we take the time,

To thank our moms for being so kind.

For all the love they give so free,

We thank them now and endlessly.

So here's to moms both near and far,

We love you for who you are.

You make our world a better place,

With your love, your warmth, and your grace.

love poems

About the Creator

Tameka Strong

I love the power of words. I love how they can make people feel, how they can transport you to another world, and how they can change perspectives on things. I hope that my writing can make a difference in the world.

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