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Discovering the World Through Our Senses

A Journey Through Sight, Sound, Touch, Taste and Smell

By Tameka StrongPublished about a year ago 1 min read
Discovering the World Through Our Senses
Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash

We have five senses, yes we do, to explore the world and learn what’s new, sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell, each one a story to tell.

With sight we see the world so bright, the colors of the rainbow in our sight, the blue of the sky and green of the trees, the red of a rose swaying in the breeze.

With sound we hear the birds that sing, and all the music they bring, the rustle of leaves and pitter-patter of rain, the laughter of friends and choo-choo of a train.

With touch we feel the softest fur, of a kitten’s coat as it starts to purr, the warmth of the sun on our skin, the tickle of grass as we roll and spin.

With taste, we savor every bite, Of our favorite foods with delight, The sweetness of candy, and tartness of lime, and The crunch of an apple at snack time.

With smell, we breathe in the scent of flowers, and all the smells of nature’s powers, the fragrance of a rose and freshness of dew, the aroma of cookies baking just for you.

Each sense is a gift that helps us learn, the wonders of the world at every turn, so let’s use our senses every day, to explore and learn in every way.

childrens poetry

About the Creator

Tameka Strong

I love the power of words. I love how they can make people feel, how they can transport you to another world, and how they can change perspectives on things. I hope that my writing can make a difference in the world.

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