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24 September 2017

10:23 PM

By morgan sydneyPublished 6 years ago 2 min read

I knew this was coming

I had known it for the past week

you knew it too, obviously

yet we both cried

we both cried so much

you had ordered a ring online that I liked

I told you I only want that ring when you propose

you told me that you wanted to propose

but the ring hadn’t delivered yet

so you asked if we still had ring pops

I laughed and said yes

today you came over to my dad’s house

and you asked me to go get my favorite flavor of ring pop

I came back with it and you sat up in my bed

I was lying down, staring up at your beauty

you have no idea how beautiful you are all the time

I knew what you were going to say

I knew what you were going to ask

you teared up

so I teared up

you held my hands in yours

and you told me that

from the moment our friend showed you my picture

you knew you had to have me

you knew you wanted to make me okay

you knew my history from what she told you

you knew you wanted to be in my life

you told me that you knew just how much I would mean to you

just from the first day you saw my picture

meanwhile I had no idea

you told me that nobody has ever made you feel

what I make you feel

none of your exes

you got bored of them all

you bounced from person to person

you left someone for another

then you left someone for me

and I said me too

because no one has ever made me feel what you make me feel

you told me that since we started talking

you knew you wanted to spend your life with me

I knew it too

I knew you were going to be the one I marry

and you knew it too

earlier that day

before you asked me to get the ring pop

we held each other on my bed and you cried

because you were picturing life without me

you were imagining if I had finally killed myself

I told you that it’s okay

and I promised you that I’m never dying before you

and I will keep that promise

just then I saw how much I actually meant to you

and it made my heart overflow with love

because I feel the same for you


you told me you wanted your entire future with me

you wanted children, a perfect house, animals

with me

and only me

and I wanted the same with you

and only you

I knew what you were going to ask

but when you said it

“Morgan Lindsey Kwei,

will you be my wife?”

I covered my face because I was crying so hard

tears of happiness of course

of course I said yes

there’s absolutely no way that I wouldn’t have

you cried with me

then you pulled me into you

and we cried together

you are so perfect

love poems

About the Creator

morgan sydney


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