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You don't need to prove anyone

Your time is too valuable to be wasted on proving yourself to others

By Adarsh Kumar SinghPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
You don't need to prove anyone
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

We all are living our lives busy fulfilling our ambitions. Some of us have ambitions that revolve around ourselves, but there are some of us who keep everyone with them as they progress and fulfill their ambitions. Whatever be the case, at each step we try to prove ourselves to others.

We feel accepted and recognized in society when we are able to prove ourselves to others. Our actions are not a result of our personal needs but a result of what the society expects from us. Most of the time these actions are a replica of what the world is doing. It is a ditto copy of the crowd.

For every step that we take, we are constantly asking for approval from the world. Be it our social media lives or our real lives, we are busy seeking approval from the world that we do not even know properly. This social media world won't even care if you were lying on your deathbed. So stop taking decisions about your lives and others based on what the society expects from you. Become responsible for your own actions. Think, process and analyze before you act. Own your actions and become responsible for every word you utter and every act you do.

Ask yourself this question, "How committed are you to anything that you speak?", "Do you feel guilty if we are not able to stick to our words?", "Does it hurt to be not able to fulfill your commitment?"

If you are a person for whom all the above questions matter then you do not need to prove anyone. You have already proved yourself and that is sufficient. You don't need approval from society. There is a lack of individuals on this planet earth who value their thoughts, words, and deeds and even lesser are the individuals for whom thoughts, words, and deeds are in sync.

There is no need to pretend to the world about your identity. There is no need to fake. You do not need to waste your energy busy trying to gain the world's acceptance. Spend your time growing, evolving and learning from your past.

Become better with each passing day

Keep yourself as the reference and not the world. Become a better individual than you were yesterday. Put your efforts in proving yourself to yourself and not the society. The people who truly care about you will surely love you for your actions and will be there for you.

Only you can change yourself

What you are capable of achieving is not the result of what others think you can achieve but it entirely depends on what you choose to do with your time and energy. Stop worrying about what the world thinks about you. Do not let the opinions of the world cloud your reality.

Do not rush 

Enjoy your journey by enjoying the value of each step. Do not rush through your life and miss the wonderful moments that you have created. All the happiness and satisfaction in your life is the result of the journey that you have taken and not due to the final destination that you are yet to reach. So while you are climbing the stairs of your journey to the top, enjoy every step that you take.

You can not make everyone happy

You must have experienced instances in your life where you were insulted and treated badly without any apparent justification. Do not lose yourself in trying to alter yourself in order to win their favor or get their acceptance in such a situation. There will always be someone who is unhappy and is blaming you for the same. That does not imply that you are in error and must alter your behavior.

Learn to say, "NO"

We are always worried about letting anyone around us down. As a result of this, we always say, "YES" and commit ourselves to many things. In this limited 24 hours with too many responsibilities and too many commitments, there is surely something that falls by the wayside. So, learn to say, "NO". 

Do the things that make you happy

The definition of happiness varies from person to person. If for some person it is financial security then for someone it is making a difference in someone's life. So, find something that makes you happy.

When you reflect on your day, you ought to feel content, joyful, and proud of yourself. Your heart will constantly be filled with satisfaction and joy if you are giving your all.

Let us not try proving ourselves to the people around us. Rather let us focus on our thoughts, words, and deeds. If you are able to sync these, you have proved yourself and that is enough.

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About the Creator

Adarsh Kumar Singh

Indian Air Force II Manager of Operations @Caliche II Driving Operational Excellence and Business Success II Building an R&D model

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