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why you should never divulge your endeavors to others

Why You Should NEVER Tell Anyone What You Are Up To

By Faiza FarooqPublished 10 months ago 9 min read
why you should never divulge your endeavors to others
Photo by GreenForce Staffing on Unsplash

** 1. See a farmer cradling a small seed in his weathered hands, while the Setting Sun casts long shadows over the waiting Earth. Instead of parading around town, boasting about the seed's potential or possibilities, the farmer quietly walks to his field. There, hidden from the world's view, he plants the seed. This act is a secret, silent display of faith between him, the seed, and God. Over time, with nurturing care and patience, that little seed sprouts grow, and becomes a fruitful plant, providing sustenance to many. This seed is akin to our dreams, plans, and goals.

We live in an era where everything we do seems to be shared with the world. Some of us share our breakfasts, holidays, good and bad days on social media. We share it within our social circles if it's not posted on social media. However, it is crucial to recognize that sometimes we share too much. Have we ever paused to ask ourselves if we really need to tell everyone everything? Allow me to emphasize that disclosing every detail to everyone is unwise.

James 1 verse 19 serves as a reminder: "So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath."

**2. Have you ever witnessed a baby bird in its elevated nest? When a baby bird is hatched, it is feeble and incapable of flight. It must be shielded from potential harm, such as cats, dogs, or even humans. This is why birds construct their nests in concealed locations. These hidden nests serve as sanctuaries for baby birds to develop their strength, learn to fly, and mature into adult birds.

This concept aligns with a passage from the Bible, specifically Matthew 6:6. In this verse, Jesus advises us to pray in solitude, within the confines of our own rooms, away from prying eyes. He emphasizes the significance of this secret place, as our prayers in seclusion will be rewarded by our unseen Father.

**What does this mean for us? It implies that our secret place, much like the baby bird's nest, holds great importance. The secret place can manifest in various forms. It could be the room where you engage in prayer, a serene nook beneath a tree where you delve into the pages of your Bible, or even the depths of your own heart where you communicate with God. This secluded space shields you from external distractions, the watchful gazes of others, and the influence of their words. Within this secret place, it is just you and God. Here, you have the opportunity to grow spiritually and deepen your understanding of God.

**Just as a baby bird strengthens in the safety of its nest, our faith can also grow stronger in the privacy of our relationship with God. We don't need to showcase this growth to everyone, just as the baby bird doesn't invite everyone to see its nest. It is a special connection between us and God that requires spending time in our secret place with Him. There's no need to announce what we're doing or learning there; it is a sacred space where our faith can flourish. And just like the baby bird, one day we will be ready to soar and share our testimony or parts of our journey.

** 3. However, trusting in God’s timing is important, just like Nehemiah from the Bible. Nehemiah was a diligent worker who focused on rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. Despite distractions from others, he understood that if he allowed himself to be pulled away from his work, he wouldn't be able to complete his important task.

**3.1 In Nehemiah 6:3, it is stated that he sent messengers, saying that he was engaged in a significant task and could not be diverted. He questioned why he should halt his work to attend to others. Nehemiah was not swayed by distractions, recognizing the importance of his work. He refrained from disclosing the specifics of his endeavors or the methods employed, instead maintaining a laser focus on his task. Nehemiah serves as an example from whom we can glean valuable lessons. At times, we allow ourselves to be easily sidetracked by individuals who seek to divert our attention. Sharing our plans or actions with others may invite distractions. These individuals may not comprehend or, worse, make remarks that undermine our confidence or lead to confusion. However, this can be circumvented by adopting a strategy of keeping our plans private, shielding them from distractions that may impede our success.

**3.2 It is important to remember that when we have a significant undertaking, it is acceptable to confide in God alone. We need not disclose our plans to everyone, akin to Nehemiah's approach. By remaining steadfast in our work or goals and not succumbing to distractions, we can diligently persevere. It is crucial to toil diligently, knowing that God recognizes our efforts even if they go unnoticed by others.

**4. In the Bible, there is a story about Jesus healing a blind man in Bethsaida. This story can be found in the Book of Mark, specifically in chapter 8, verses 22 to 26. In this story, people brought a blind man to Jesus and pleaded with him to touch him. Jesus took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town. He then spat on the man's eyes, placed his hands on him, and asked if he could see anything. The blind man looked up and said he saw men who looked like trees walking. Jesus placed his hands on the man's eyes again, and this time he was fully healed and could see everyone clearly. Jesus then instructed the man not to go into the town or tell anyone in the town about what had happened.

**4.1 This story teaches us that Jesus knew the right timing for everything, and sometimes it was best to keep things quiet. This is a valuable lesson for us as well. It shows us that we don't always have to share every detail or plan with everyone around us. Sometimes, it's better to keep our plans a secret and let our actions speak for themselves. Even Jesus, who performed amazing miracles, chose to be discreet at times.

**4.2 We can apply this wisdom in our own lives by deciding when it is the appropriate time to share our plans with others and when it is better to keep them to ourselves. Not everyone needs to know everything we are planning or doing. Being wise means knowing when to speak and when to remain silent. Let us follow Jesus' example and be mindful of what we share with others.

**In the Bible, Psalm 27 verse 14 reminds us to wait for the Lord, be strong, and take courage. This verse encourages us to be patient and trust in God's perfect timing. Just like a flower doesn't bloom immediately after it is planted, our plans and dreams also take time to grow. We can rest assured that God knows the best timing for everything. We don't have to rush or be in a hurry. It is okay to wait and be patient. Waiting doesn't mean we have to announce our plans to everyone. We can keep our plans to ourselves and trust that when the right time comes, they will come to fruition. Let us be patient, wait for God's perfect timing, and not feel the need to rush and tell everyone about our plans. By trusting in God, we can be confident that our plans will unfold at the right time. Remember, good things take time, and God's timing is always the best.

Have you ever considered what true success means? Is it when others applaud us or is it when we know within ourselves that we have done our best?

**In Galatians 1:10, the Bible highlights an important lesson. It questions whether we are seeking the approval of humans or of God. If our main focus is to please people, we cannot truly serve Christ. This means that our actions and plans should not be driven by the desire to make others happy or to appear successful. The key is to do our best and strive for God's satisfaction. Real success lies in our dedication and effort, not in seeking validation from others. Therefore, we should concentrate on giving our best, working diligently, and making plans without being concerned about others' opinions. Remember, our aim is to please God, not people.

**Additionally, Matthew 7:6 advises against sharing valuable and personal information with those who won't appreciate it. This verse serves as a reminder to be cautious about revealing our plans or secrets to individuals who may have ill intentions toward us. By sharing such information, we may unknowingly give ammunition to our enemies or invite conflict and envy.

**5. For instance, in the story of Samson and Delilah from Judges 16, Delilah pretended to love Samson but was secretly collaborating with his enemies. When he disclosed the secret of his strength, she used it against him, leading to his capture. This narrative serves as a cautionary tale about sharing sensitive details with the wrong people. It is essential to exercise wisdom and discernment, seeking God's guidance to identify those who genuinely have our best interests at heart. While there may be a select few with whom we can share, it is often safer to keep our plans confidential until the appropriate time to reveal them. By avoiding the mistake of oversharing, we can avoid hindering our own progress and blocking our blessings.

Let us approach the Lord through prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, we acknowledge your greatness as the creator of Heaven and Earth. Your wisdom and power are unparalleled, and we offer praise and glorification to your holy name. Today, we come before your throne of grace with gratitude for your grace and mercy towards us and our loved ones. We are thankful for your love and presence in our lives. You are our guide, protector, comforter, and source of strength. As we navigate through life, we surrender all our plans, dreams, and ambitions to you. Grant us the wisdom and discernment to know when to share our plans and when to keep them private.

Direct our steps, Lord, and may our decisions bring glory and honor to your name. May our actions, words, and choices reflect your love, wisdom, and righteousness. We also lift up the people dear to us before you today. We pray for your protective arms to shield us from distractions, unnecessary criticisms, and any schemes of the enemy designed to bring us down. In the mighty name of Jesus, we declare that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. We stand firm against any plans of the enemy to distract or discourage us, rebuking such intentions in Jesus' name.

Heavenly Father, we cover ourselves and our loved ones with the precious blood of Jesus. We plead the blood of Jesus over our plans, dreams, health, finances, and hopes. We declare that they are secure in your hands. We come against every spirit of fear and doubt that attempts to pull us away from your will, rebuking the spirit of discouragement. We place our trust and confidence in you, knowing that those who stand with us are more than those who stand against us. We are grateful for your constant presence and guidance. We trust that you will protect and bless us in all our endeavors. Father, grant us patience to wait for your perfect timing in all things, rebuking any spirit of impatience.

We are thankful that your timing is flawless, and in your time, everything will fall into place beautifully and perfectly. We thank you for giving us a deeper understanding of true success. May we never seek validation from the world, but only from you, our God. Help us strive to please you in everything we do. We declare that as we work diligently and trust in you, success will be our portion according to your will. Father, you are our rock, fortress, and deliverer. We love you and surrender to your perfect will. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers. We pray all this in the precious and mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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