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Why Swimming is a Great Summer Exercise - 5 Benefits That You Should Be Aware of

Summers are here

By Akshay ThakurPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
Why Swimming is a Great Summer Exercise - 5 Benefits That You Should Be Aware of
Photo by Gentrit Sylejmani on Unsplash

The month of May is going to get warmer as we speak. And there is a fantastic treat for you and your friends. If you want to chill out in a swimming pool in the city, now is your chance. So gather your sunglasses, trunks, tank tops, and pool caps. The most popular and sought-after hotels and sports centres in the city have opened up their is swimming pool memberships already.

Why Should You Work Out in a Swimming Pool This Summer?

When you are trying to maintain good health and consistency in your workout, the one thing that you can rely upon is a swimming pool. The cool water prevents you from sweating profusely and there is very little chance of injuring your muscles as well. Because you are not going to be lifting any heavy weights, the degree of risks attached is minimal too. And it is ideal for asthma patients too.

If you haven't yet visited your nearest swimming pool in Chandigarh to find out what their package is, do that right now. Swimming is one of the best exercises and it is highly recommended by several cardiovascular surgeons and fitness experts all across the globe.

Let's Discover Some of Its Most Obvious Benefits for You

1. Total And Holistic Body Workout: Swimming is one of the most functional exercises and it is also a great routine for people looking for a holistic body workout. You do not have to stress your body under the heat of the sun participating in a long marathon or a fitness circuit. You do not have to grill your body in a boring aerobics session either.

There is so much that is going to keep you entertained while you are in a pool. You can try the backstroke, butterfly, freestyle, sidestroke, breaststroke, and much more. It makes your entire body move and all your muscles get a proper stretch giving you the full-body workout you crave.

2. Enhance Your Cardiovascular Health: Swimming is one of the best ways to improve your overall cardiovascular health. It makes your heart and lungs much stronger. Swimming necessitates you breathe more deeply and more regularly. This improves your lung capacity and heart health. When you are strengthening your heart, you are decreasing the risk of any probable heart diseases and problems like hypertension and diabetes.

3. No More Mood Swings: You must have noticed that the moment you enter the pool, you feel relaxed. This is not just a superficial feeling that you experience. Being inside a swimming pool calms your mind. It is not just another exercise but a very powerful means to release endorphins in your body.

You will find people of practically all ages in swimming pools across Chandigarh looking for the same positivity and bright side to life just as you are. Swimming fills you with a sense of well-being and happiness and this is why there is no match to this activity.

By bruce mars on Unsplash

4. Improve Your Sleep Patterns: Swimming as we already know is a holistic workout. It helps you burn a lot of calories. An hour of swimming helps you burn more than 400 calories which proves it to be a fantastic form of exercise or workout activity in Summers. This kind of whole-body workout automatically puts your body in recovery mode and by the time the day comes to an end, you would want to get to bed. It re calibrates your body clock naturally and rectifies your sleep pattern.

5. Lose All The Extra Inches: This is one of the obvious benefits of joining swimming pools in Chandigarh. You lose all the extra inches and kilos that you have put on during the holidays or perhaps your extended vacation. The best part about swimming is that it targets your entire body evenly. This means that you do not fall into the redundant pit of spot reduction. You lose inches and weight evenly and in a very healthy manner.

In the end, let's just say that choosing to take a dip in a swimming pool facility near you will probably turn out to be the best decision you ever make. It is not just the right time but also the right way to get fit.

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About the Creator

Akshay Thakur

Freelancer and writer

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