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If you are no careful, this world will turn you into the man or woman it wants you to be, never caring about who you are destined to be....

By Erik DeSean BarrettPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Insanity, a word which as many definitions. (1)the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness. (2)extreme foolishness or irrationality. All of those are good, but the one I am most familiar with is one we have used in these streets. A train of thought which must have escaped the academic minds. The TRUE DEFINITION of insanity is... “Doing the SAME THING looking for a Different Outcome!!” Another key word I want to focus on is SAME THING.. Ya see doing the same thing has a lot of layers. That could mean, working for the same company despite it constantly keeping you pissed TF off.. It could mean hanging out with the same people, who constantly leave you wanting to vomit, or even attending the same places which trigger unpleasant thoughts and or feelings. If you are like me, you constantly ask yourselves, why you keep putting yourself through this 💩💩??

IMay I talk about me for a second? I hope you don’t mind if I take a few moments to express my frustrations. See I each day wake up questioning my surrounding. I must confess I am quick to respond, and even faster to hit the delete button.. It goes back to my childhood. I was forced to be in situations I hated, forced to do what others wanted regardless of what I desired. I spent my entire childhood feeling boxed in, like the boy Cinderella locked in my room. May I pause here to say, I really love my ancestors, the Trail Blazers who paved the way for a young whipper snapper like me to do what I do. They took on jobs, they hated, with wages they laughed at, just to keep a roof over my head, and food on my table. AGAIN I REALLY AND TRULY THANK YOU for you sacrifice, and dedication to the cause, I really want to make you proud of me, but I can’t doing the same 💩💩 you did, thinking, something NEW is going to come of it...

I came into the new year, THIS NEW DECADE with a distinct mindset.. I stated I was determined to do whatever it took to remove the ignorance from my life, I am determined to ONLY focus my attention on THINGS that both elevate my understand, and perpetuate my dreams and goals. The problem thus far, which is not a true problem, rather my identifying the problems. I have learned to go these people are gonna do what they are going to do, so if we don’t mesh just go F’em and move on.. It is no need sitting there until you get so angry bad 💩💩 happens right? I feel a lot of the bridges I have burned back in the day was simply because I stayed somewhere longer than I should have, accompanied by my thinking I could change peoples minds.

So Why am I sitting here at my desk, at 1015am on Thursday February 6 writing this post? To announce I am quitting? HELL NAW!! To announce I am removing myself from certain aspect of civilization? Ehh Not quite, but I am reevaluating who and what I shall spend my time ON.. I have now recognized the importance of my influence. I have no recognized my ability to persuade, and lead people, which means folks only see me as a commodity, than a human being. ITS ALL GOOD, that’s the nature of the beast, I TAKE IT AS A COMPLETE COMPLIMENT. I am completely humbled for all who see me as worth they’re time, but I have to make sure they are worth mine!! I know that sound crazy asf. But only you know what you were created to be, and cant allow everyone to make you who or what they want you to be..

I hope you reading this understand. I hope you understand why i believe I am more viable to mankind unhinged. I must remove these restrictions, limitations, voices of folks who think they understand the mind, and heart of EDB. I vowed to not fight, to not scream and holler in protest, I vowed to not have ridiculous standoffs, and now to not try to convince anyone to see the world my way. So if anyone needs me, you know where to find me!! 🙋🏾‍♂️EnDaBasement...


About the Creator

Erik DeSean Barrett

Blogger👨🏾‍💻 Vlogger🎥 Podcaster🎙Life Enthusiasts!!! On mission to prove one can do what they believe despite what anyone says.

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