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Don’t Give Up!!

Is there a layer below suicide where some of us live but can’t admit??

By Erik DeSean BarrettPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Just sit 🤫and focus on who you Are

This thing called life is hard. Its draining both to the mind, and the soul. If you are not careful, it will suck the very desire to live right out of you. I am not one to discuss those who have taken their lives; in all honestly I know nothing about it. I know I have thought about it once or twice, but nothing more than a thought. You see I was always afraid of taking my own life. I always believed if there was anyone who could screw up a suicide, it would be EDB. TruthBeTold, I would say if it wasn’t for this process of thought, I might not be here writing you!! I didn’t want to be that guy, who had to face everyone after he’d screwed up. WHICH BRINGS ME, to another point. Is there a lower level to depression? Meaning most of think, those who take their lives have reached rock bottom right? Suicide is the final straw to a brewing fire of emotion? But does something live deeper down?

I sometimes think about all of us, I sometimes wonder how many of us live each and everyday in a depressed state of mind. Sometimes I wonder is the depression societal? Is it so common place, most can’t recognize it? Or maybe for some we know we are depressed, but again because of societal standards we aren’t allowed to admit it? Would you feel comfortable working for a depressed man? Think about it? If someone like President Barack Obama had of admitted he was depressed? His presidential stock would’ve plunged RIGHT? Our moral obligation, and politically correct posture would have felt sorry for him, even posted prayers, and well wishes on Twitter, but deep down we all know he would have lost the confidence of not just America USA🇺🇸, but the world 🌍...

BY NOW! You are more than likely wondering, why I am discussing depression with you? I am sure by now some of you are reaching for the contacts app to call me, or posting a comment below.. NO WORRIES MY FRIENDS!! I am NOT fine, BUT will be FINE.. Let me explain WTF that means! There are tons of things wrong with me. Things which is some cases disturbs my sleep, distracts my day, and even dare I say pisses me TF-! OFF... So I am not fine, BUT will be, because of these opportunities I have share. The podcast, 🙋🏾‍♂️EnDaBasement, located on APPLE PODCAST, SPOTIFY, GOOGLE PODCAST and more.... or other content I create, on YouTube, Instagram, SnapChat, TikTok, Byte, and more... And this medium right here... Through creating content, I have learned what the world 🌍 has to offer. I have seen the opportunities most either never know, or never believe they can do. It is through my creating content, that I have discovered, different points of view, I have seen the world through the eyes of many, and have felt the pain they bear.. It is through creating content, I have learned of peoples hopes, dreams, nightmares, and fears.. It is through creating content, I have learned of who I am and what I am made off. I have walked into rooms, I may have never walked in before, I sat with people, who otherwise wouldn’t know my name. It is through content, that I have encounted people who speak highly of me, and of those who have wished my death...

I would like to ask for a few more moments of your time, lets take a brief trip down memory lane.. I started on this social journey close to ten years ago. I laugh now when I see folks taking selfies, and talking to their phones, because I remember a time when that was stupid, I remember people looking at sideways because I was looking down and talking, now everyone is doing it, because time societal pendulum has shifted. The things I thought were so dumb back then, the dreams I had, the goals I thought I should achieve was so stupid back then, now are common place.. Now everyone is like EDB, why aren’t making more content? When five years ago the question was “Why won’t that BOY go and get a REAL JOB?

In my conclusion, I ask you to help me, by helping you. I ask we both take hold to this simple piece of advice, just three simple words... “DON’T GIVE UP!!” Let the world 🌎 come to you, make them recognize your vision, make them see you’re not crazy, you’re not some old fart living off his parents, but you have a plan, a vision, that you’re focused on something greater than narrow minds can see, stay the course, and eventually in the similar words of Ballou from -TheJungleBook- “The necessities of life will come to you”..



P.S. I mentioned the podcast, 🙋🏾‍♂️EnDaBasement, on APPLE PODCAST, SPOTIFY, GOOGLE PODCAST and MORE.... please give it sometime.. AND my YouTube Channel, give it some love, by giving a sub...


About the Creator

Erik DeSean Barrett

Blogger👨🏾‍💻 Vlogger🎥 Podcaster🎙Life Enthusiasts!!! On mission to prove one can do what they believe despite what anyone says.

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