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Who do you wish you looked like?

Ask Yourself

By Khudair Ahmed ShaikhPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Who do you wish you looked like?
Photo by abi ismail on Unsplash

A young girl once gazed into the mirror each day, pondering the same question: Who do I wish I looked like? She was not unhappy with her appearance, but she couldn't help but wonder if someone out there possessed a beauty greater than her own.

She would spend hours scrolling through social media, admiring the perfectly posed photographs of models and actresses. Their glowing skin, sharp features, and hourglass figures seemed to glow with an ethereal radiance that left her envious. She longed to be one of them, embodying the same effortless grace and elegance they seemed to possess.

She tried to emulate their style, dressing in the latest fashion trends and experimenting with makeup. But no matter how hard she tried, she could never quite capture that same magnetic energy. Her friends would compliment her on her looks, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she still lacked something.

One day, while scrolling through her Instagram feed, she saw a photo of a woman who took her breath away. She was unlike any other models or actresses she had seen before. Her features were softer, more delicate, and her skin seemed to glow gently. Her hair was a cascade of wild curls that framed her face, and her eyes sparkled with deep, mysterious intelligence.

The young girl couldn't take her eyes off the photo. She felt drawn to the woman as if she possessed some secret knowledge that the rest of the world was unaware of. She wished with all her heart that she could look like her, to embody that same captivating aura.

But as she looked closer at the photo, she saw something else. There was a subtle sadness in the woman's eyes, a hint of vulnerability that belied her stunning beauty. And suddenly, the young girl realized that maybe, just maybe, she didn't need to look like anyone else. Maybe, she was beautiful just the way she was.

She looked back into the mirror, taking in her own reflection. For the first time in a long while, she didn't feel the familiar pang of envy. Instead, she saw the delicate curve of her smile and the way her eyes crinkled at the corners when she laughed. She saw the unique shape of her nose, the color of her skin, and the way her hair cascaded down her back.

And she realized that she didn't need to look like anyone else. She was beautiful in her own way, with her unique features and quirks that made her who she was. She didn't need to be anyone else to be beautiful; she just needed to be herself.

From that day forward, the young girl stopped comparing herself to others. She embraced her own beauty, unique sense of style, quirks, and flaws. And she discovered something truly magnetic about someone comfortable in their own skin, who exuded confidence and self-love.

She no longer wondered who she wished she looked like because she had realized that she was already someone worth admiring. And as she walked through the world with her head held high, radiating a newfound sense of self-assurance, people couldn't help but stop and take notice.

They would compliment her on her confidence and ask her her secret. And she would simply smile and tell them that it was the realization that she was beautiful just the way she was. It wasn't a secret; it was something everyone had the power to discover for themselves.

As time passed, the young girl began to see the world in a different light. She no longer saw only the surface-level beauty that was so often celebrated in the media. Instead, she saw the beauty in the small moments of everyday life: the way the sun cast long shadows on the pavement in the evening, the sound of a bird's song drifting through the air, the feel of the breeze on her skin.

She realized that beauty couldn't be captured in a photograph or replicated with makeup. It existed in the world around her, the people she met, and the moments she experienced. It was something that came from within, not from without.

And so, she lived her life with a newfound appreciation for the beauty surrounding her. She took joy in the small, quiet moments that might have gone unnoticed. She learned to love herself, not in spite of her flaws, but because of them. And in doing so, she discovered a sense of peace and contentment that she had never known before.

Looking back on her journey, the young girl realized that "Who do I wish I looked like?" had been the wrong question. It wasn't about wishing to look like someone else but embracing who she was and finding beauty in that. It was about recognizing that everyone was unique, with their own features and quirks, and that made the world a beautiful place.

And so, she walked through life with a sense of purpose and wonder, grateful for the journey that had brought her to where she was. She no longer wondered who she wished she looked like because she knew the answer was simple: she wished to look like herself. And in doing so, she had discovered a sense of peace and beauty that would stay with her always.

self helpsuccesssocial mediahealinghappinessgoalsadvice

About the Creator

Khudair Ahmed Shaikh

As a content writer, I specialize in creating engaging and informative articles, blogs, and poems on a variety of topics. If you are interested in taking my writing service

Email me: [email protected]

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