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What are The 3 Steps to Self-Love?

How do You Begin To Love Yourself?

By Berina KaricPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

The word love is thrown around very lightly nowadays. When I talk about self-love, it's not just about loving yourself because you're awesome or loving yourself because it feels good or loving yourself for selfish reasons. What I'm talking about is the kind of love that gives you true fulfillment and peace. It's a form of unconditional love for yourself. No matter what you do, no matter what happens to you, no matter how other people treat you, there is a part of you that says "I accept myself fully and completely."

Self-love means respecting yourself. It means holding yourself accountable for your actions, not blaming others for things that don't work out the way they should, not feeling like a victim.

Self-love is the foundation of all personal development and growth because it gives you a reason to change and improve yourself. When you don't love yourself enough, you're constantly seeking fulfillment and satisfaction in external things and people. You always want more or better without understanding that these desires come from within. There is always something else you could have, another person you want to be with, another thing you want to buy.

That's why self-love is the foundation of all growth and change for the better because it allows you to see these things clearly. When you don't love yourself enough, all your desires will eventually bring suffering instead of joy because they will never be fulfilled.

When you truly love yourself, you take good care of yourself and make the best out of the life that was given to you. You don't hurt others and you help them when they need it because there is no ego involved in your actions; only unconditional love and kindness towards all beings.

So if you want to learn how to love yourself, here are 3 steps that you can take right now:

1. Take Responsibility for Your Life and Everything That Happens to You

Taking responsibility doesn't mean blaming yourself for everything that goes wrong. It's about realizing that as a human being, you have free will and you create your own reality through the things you think, say and do. You can either love yourself or hate yourself for what has happened to you in the past. You can either use your experiences as life lessons and grow from them or allow them to hold you back and bring you down.

When something bad happens to you, rather than feeling sorry for yourself and imagining all sorts of terrible things that must have happened to you, ask yourself:

- What could I have done differently?

- How can I turn this into a positive experience?

Focusing on the things that go wrong in your life and beating yourself up for failing won't solve anything. You'll just remain stuck in negativity and self-pity. It will only make you feel worse about yourself.

On the other hand, trying to find ways to make things better and taking responsibility for the life that you're living will not only give your life meaning, but it will also help you grow as a human being.

2. Don't Blame Others for What They Do or How You Feel About Them

You have a choice. You can either keep on blaming other people for your unhappiness and frustration or you can accept them as they are.

People will always have something to say, but the way you react to them is up to you. You can choose whether or not to take what they're saying personally and as a result feel hurt by it.

You have the power to choose your reactions, not their actions. It's easier said than done, but that doesn't mean it's impossible or that you have no control over what happens to you. You just have to work on your self-awareness and perspective first before making any changes in your life.

People are responsible for their own feelings and thoughts, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they're responsible for your feelings and thoughts. You can choose to be happy or sad regardless of what others say; you simply have to make the decision to be happy.

3. Forgive Yourself and Others

You don't know everything there is to know about other people's pasts and experiences. You don't know what they've been through and what hasn't been working in their lives, so instead of condemning them for who they are today, see them as you would a friend going through a difficult phase.

You don't have the power to make everyone happy or pleased with you, but that doesn't mean you can cut yourself some slack and relax. You have to take responsibility for your life anyway, so what's stopping you from doing the same with other people?

You're just human after all. Who can live without making mistakes? Everyone does it at some point in their lives.

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    BKWritten by Berina Karic

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