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Rising Above

A Story of Overcoming Self-Doubt

By Ahmed MudasarPublished 3 days ago 3 min read
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Meet Alex, a young adult like many others, navigating the complexities of life, filled with dreams, aspirations, and an overwhelming sense of self-doubt. This is Alex's journey of discovering inner strength, learning to trust in oneself, and rising above the paralyzing fear of inadequacy.

The Struggle with Self-Doubt

Alex always dreamed of becoming a successful graphic designer. With a natural talent for art and a keen eye for detail, friends and family often praised Alex's work. However, despite the external validation, Alex was plagued by an inner critic that constantly whispered, "You're not good enough."

In college, the pressure to excel intensified. Surrounded by talented peers, Alex couldn't help but compare their progress to others'. Every project submission was accompanied by a sinking feeling of dread. "What if my work isn't as good as theirs?" This thought echoed in Alex's mind, leading to sleepless nights and a growing sense of inadequacy.

A Turning Point

One day, Alex's professor assigned a group project to design a marketing campaign for a local business. Alex was paired with Sam, a confident and outspoken student known for their exceptional skills. Initially, Alex felt intimidated, convinced that their contributions would fall short.

However, as they began working together, Alex noticed something unexpected. Sam was not infallible; they faced creative blocks and doubts too. Observing Sam's resilience in the face of these challenges was eye-opening. Instead of succumbing to self-doubt, Sam tackled each problem with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn.

Inspired by Sam's approach, Alex decided to confront their inner critic. One evening, while working late on a particularly challenging part of the project, Alex paused and reflected on their journey so far. "Why am I so harsh on myself?" Alex wondered. "What if I tried to see my setbacks as opportunities to grow?"

Embracing the Journey

With a newfound perspective, Alex began to change their approach. Instead of fearing failure, Alex started viewing each challenge as a chance to improve. Whenever self-doubt crept in, Alex reminded themselves of the progress they had already made. Slowly but surely, Alex's mindset shifted.

Alex also adopted several practices to reinforce this change:

  • Positive Self-Talk: Whenever negative thoughts arose, Alex countered them with positive affirmations. Phrases like "I am capable" and "I can learn from this" became Alex's new mantra.

  • Setting Achievable Goals: Alex broke down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps. Each completed step was a victory, boosting Alex's confidence.

  • Seeking Feedback: Instead of fearing criticism, Alex began to seek constructive feedback. This not only improved their skills but also built resilience against negative self-perception.

  • Mindfulness and Reflection: Alex started a daily journaling practice, reflecting on both successes and areas for improvement. This helped in recognizing patterns of self-doubt and actively working to overcome them.

The Outcome

By the end of the semester, Alex and Sam's project was a resounding success. Their marketing campaign received praise from both the professor and the local business owner. More importantly, Alex emerged from the experience with a renewed sense of self-belief.

The journey didn't end there. Armed with the tools to manage self-doubt, Alex continued to grow, embracing new challenges with confidence. The inner critic was still there, but it no longer held the power it once did. Alex learned that self-doubt is a natural part of the journey, but it doesn't have to define the outcome.


Alex's story is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of believing in oneself. Self-doubt can be a formidable adversary, but with the right mindset and strategies, it's possible to rise above it. For every young person grappling with similar feelings, remember: you are not alone, and you are capable of achieving great things. Embrace the journey, learn from each step, and trust in your ability to grow.


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    AMWritten by Ahmed Mudasar

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