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Waking Up Positive

An every Morning read

By Keith WebberPublished 11 months ago 6 min read

Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, and it is often during the most challenging times that we truly discover who we are. In this blog post, I want to delve into the belief that our lives are defined by how we handle adversity. Drawing from personal experiences and insightful anecdotes, I will explore the transformative power of difficult moments and the choices we make in response to them.

Finding Meaning in Adversity:

Looking back on my life, I have noticed a recurring pattern: the best things often come after periods of adversity. These hardships, which initially seem overwhelming, have led me down new and meaningful paths. However, it is important to note that the same adversity that propels us forward can also cause us to retreat within ourselves, doubting our abilities and feeling defeated. The key lies in what we decide to make of our challenges.

The Water and H2O Metaphor:

To illustrate this concept, let's consider water and H2O. Water is essential for life, quenching our thirst and serving as the foundation of our existence. However, that very same water can also be a cause of drowning. It is not the adversity itself that determines our outcome; rather, it is how we interact with it. Adversity presents a fork in the road, and it is up to us to choose whether it will be the catalyst for growth or a reason to shrink away.

The Power of Perspective:

Adversity can manifest in various forms, such as unexpected departures of loved ones or the end of a significant relationship. These moments rock our foundation, challenging our beliefs about permanence and leaving us emotionally distressed. Yet, we have a choice in how we respond. Will we let these experiences validate our negative outlook on life, or will we see them as reminders to appreciate the beauty in the fleeting moments? Adversity can be a catalyst for reflection, gratitude, and inner strength.

Navigating the Storm:

It is crucial to acknowledge that when we are in the midst of chaos, the path forward may not seem clear. The decision to persevere may feel daunting, and the situation may appear far from black and white. However, it is during these moments that we must dig deep and recognize that while it is okay to hurt and feel, it is not okay to let adversity define us. We must refuse to let hardship write our story. The hero's journey requires us to face adversity head-on, using it as a rope to climb out of the darkness.

Taking Inspired Action:

Inspiration is perishable, and it is essential to act upon it immediately. Those fleeting moments of excitement and ideas must be acted upon to create meaningful change. Waiting for the perfect moment or seeking validation from others will only delay progress. By embracing imperfection and having the courage to act before having all the answers, we allow inspiration to transform into action, creating a powerful cycle of growth and inspiration.

Embracing the Human Spirit:

The human spirit is resilient, capable of bending but never breaking. It is in those moments when we surpass our own expectations that we transcend the ordinary and touch the infinite. The stories of rowers triumphing at the finish line or ancient cedar trees standing tall despite adversity resonate with us because they remind us of our own extraordinary potential. We are capable of rising above our limitations and finding strength in the face of challenges.


Adversity is an inevitable part of life, but how we respond to it defines our journey. It is through embracing difficult moments, appreciating their transformative power, and taking inspired action that we grow and discover the extraordinary within ourselves. So, when faced with adversity, remember that it is not the end of your story but rather an opportunity for a hero.

In our lives, we often find ourselves facing situations that are beyond our control. We may feel helpless to the external circumstances that surround us. However, amidst this sense of helplessness, there is one power that remains within our grasp—the ability to determine what we allow into our lives and how we internalize the externalities. We are the gatekeepers of our minds and the protectors of our world. In this blog, we will explore the importance of taking responsibility for what we let in and how it can shape our lives.

Setting Boundaries:

There's a simple saying that I live by: "If something is not a net positive on your life, start working to eliminate it." This applies to various aspects of our lives. If there's a person who drains us and brings more negativity than positivity, it's time to let them go. If there's a destination or activity that doesn't align with our values, we should remove it from our daily routine. Similarly, if we find ourselves constantly dwelling on worst-case scenarios and focusing on problems rather than solutions, it's crucial to identify and isolate those thoughts.

Taking Control:

The remarkable part of being the gatekeepers of our lives is that we have the power to choose where we invest our time and attention. However, this control comes with a responsibility to be honest with ourselves. We must ask difficult questions and acknowledge our contributions to pain and struggle. It may be uncomfortable, but it's necessary for personal growth and change.

Shifting Perspectives:

Often, our attention is diverted from opportunities and redirected towards things that don't serve us or align with who we are. We tend to focus on problems rather than solutions, limiting our potential for success and happiness. For instance, we can change our perspective on money from scarcity to an exchange of value. By focusing on becoming more valuable to others, we open doors to wealth. Similarly, when faced with injuries or setbacks, instead of dwelling on self-pity or complaining, we can redirect our energy towards finding opportunities for improvement in other areas of life.

Choosing Positive Influences:

One crucial aspect of being a gatekeeper is being selective about the people we allow into our lives. If someone consistently brings negativity and diminishes our well-being, it's essential to create distance and prioritize relationships that add value and positivity.

Embracing Accountability:

We have control over our lives and the external factors we let in. Many things that exist in our day-to-day have been allowed into our lives at some point. Therefore, we should take the time to reflect on our role as gatekeepers and assess what we are letting in and keeping out. This accountability sets the stage for a life lived on our own terms—a life that is not wasted or merely endured but one that is lived to the fullest.

Embracing Adversity:

When we find ourselves at our lowest points, we may unknowingly position ourselves for growth and transformation. Adversity serves as a reminder that we need to dive deep within ourselves and reemerge stronger and more resilient. It's during these challenging times that we have the opportunity to learn and grow, ultimately propelling ourselves to new beginnings.

Embracing Imperfection:

Life is chaotic, unpredictable, and hard. Yet, we are not here to merely endure. We are here to excel. We are here to learn, expand, and break free from the boundaries we set for ourselves. Instead of striving for perfection, we should embrace our imperfections and use them as stepping stones for growth. Life's journey requires continuous growth and reinvention, akin to growing new wings each time we face challenges.

Embracing the Unknown:

As we navigate through life, it's crucial to understand that we won't always have all the answers.

successself helphealinggoalsadvice

About the Creator

Keith Webber

Come on an odyssey through the realms of writing, on views and opinions and solutions. Open your heart and mind to an alternative easy to understand way of expression.

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