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Use Your Affirmation to Create What You Want

Positive Affirmations

By Josh AfumPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
Use Your Affirmation to Create What You Want
Photo by kazuend on Unsplash

Affirmations are just statements we make to ourselves; they are our inner dialogue. You utilize affirmations all the time, whether you do it consciously or unconsciously. You've just created a negative affirmation if you make a mistake and say to yourself, "I'm constantly making errors, I never do anything perfectly." Instead, if you make a mistake and tell yourself, "That's OK, I can fix it," you've just produced a positive affirmation.

Your conscious and subconscious thoughts are greatly influenced by your self-talk. Positive affirmations can help you alter your mind habits. Developing new thought patterns can enable you to start changing your core beliefs as well as the way you think and feel about yourself, others, and your role in the world. You may substantially enhance your life by using positive affirmations on a regular basis.

Affirmations to Choose

Shakti Gawain, author of Creative Visualization, recommends the following tips for selecting affirmations:

o Always say your affirmations in the present tense, as if they are already true. Instead of stating, "I will attain my ideal weight," add, "I like being at my ideal weight."

o Affirm your desires, not your dissatisfactions. Instead of declaring, "I'm no longer a procrastinator," say, "I always complete my tasks on time."

o Don't just repeat your affirmations; include good sentiments and emotions into your affirmations.

o Select affirmations that resonate with you. If you find an affirmation that you like but would like to change a few of words, go ahead and change them.

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Use three distinct pronouns.

Writing the same affirmation using multiple pronouns is a strategy you may use to make your affirmations more powerful. For example, if you want to affirm that you're surrounded by positive people who want the best for you, write down the three affirmations below (in this case, your name is James):

o I am surrounded by positive individuals who genuinely care about my well-being.

Joan, you are surrounded by people who care about you and want the best for you.

o Joan is surrounded by individuals who care about her well-being.

When you use the second and third person to make affirmations, it's as if someone else is speaking to or about you. If your internal critic believes that someone else is offering positive affirmations about you, it is less likely to make a negative criticism.

Affirmations Can Be Both Broad and Specific

Affirmations can be generic or specialized. The following are some broad affirmations:

o I am surrounded by abundance.

o Abundance is my natural state.

o There is enough for everyone.

To "set the tone," use generic affirmations. After you've created clear, well-defined objectives for yourself, you may make specific affirmations to help you stay focused on them and build your conviction in your ability to achieve them. For example, if your objective is to lose 10 pounds by exercising over the next three months, your affirmations may be as follows:

o I currently jog for 40 minutes four times a week for four weeks.

o Jogging aids in weight loss and keeps me healthy and fit.

o I now lift weights three times each week.

o Going to the gym and doing weights is something I like doing.

o My running and weight lifting are producing amazing results, and it shows.

o I'm growing fitter and fitter by the day.

o I now weigh X number of pounds (your target weight).

o People have commented on how much slimmer I am and how attractive I am.

You Must Be Able to Believe Your Own Affirmations

Whenever you make a decision to alter something in your life, you are stepping outside of your current comfort zone. We should always seek to improve and broaden our understanding of ourselves and what we are capable of. However, you must ensure that your affirmations are not so far removed from where you are now that you are unable to convince yourself to believe what you are affirming.

If you don't trust the affirmations you're repeating to yourself, start with a smaller affirmation and gradually increase the size of your affirmations. For example, if you now make $3,000.00 per month, you may find it difficult to accept that "I am now making $50,000.00 per month." However, you should trust the following statement: "I am currently making $4,500.00 or more every month." As you grow and begin to see results, you may gradually increase this figure until you feel comfortable stating that you make more than $500,000 per year.

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Repeat Your Affirmations More Often

Repetition has a lot of power. Positive affirmations are not something you should do only sometimes; rather, you should expose your mind to the affirmations you chose for yourself as frequently as possible. "Constant repetition carries conviction," says Robert Collier.

Write down your affirmations and keep them somewhere you can refer to them frequently (you can even carry them around in your wallet). You may repeat them to yourself every morning when you wake up and every night before you go to bed, or you can set aside a few minutes each day to scrawl them several times on a sheet of paper to help reinforce the message in your memory.

Numerous people have reported tremendous results from recording the affirmations in their own voices and listening to the CD while relaxing—or, even better, meditating. Louise Hay, best-selling author of "You Can Heal Your Life," suggests singing or chanting your affirmations. While sleeping, some individuals leave a CD with positive affirmations playing gently in the background.

Furthermore, there are various apps that allow affirmations to flash on and off on your computer screen in an inconspicuous manner, assisting in the programming of these affirmations into your subconscious.

Bath of Affirmation

Practitioners who give healing workshops frequently employ a method known as a "affirmation bath." Basically, numerous individuals form a circle around one person and begin offering positive affirmations to that person. Positive signals from others "engulf" the individual. You can try this strategy if you can locate a group of like-minded folks to join you in this activity.

Any Negative Feelings or Emotions that arise should be Released.

Negative emotions might operate as self-imposed roadblocks to achieving your goals in life. If you experience any discomfort, self-doubt, fear, wrath, or other unpleasant emotions while uttering your affirmations, you must let them go or release them. The Sedona Method is one method for doing this. As previously said, you must incorporate good sentiments and emotions into your affirmations, and if negative feelings interfere, you must be able to let them go.

Your affirmation may either keep you from achieving your goals or it can be a strong spark for creating the life you've always desired. Make a habit of utilizing positive affirmations on a regular basis to assist encourage, support, and inspire you to pursue your ambitions.

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About the Creator

Josh Afum

I am born again full of the Holy Ghost. I believe the Jesus died and God raised him from the death. He has ascended to heaven and he will be coming back soon. I am always ready preaching the gospel to warn others who are not ready.

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