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Unleashing Your Inner Warrior: Lessons from David Goggins' "Can't Hurt Me"

A Practical Guide to Overcoming Adversity, Building Mental Toughness, and Living a Life of Purpose and Meaning

By Syed SarimPublished about a year ago 6 min read

David Goggins is known as "The Toughest Man on the Planet". "Can't Hurt Me", a book by David Goggins, is more than just a memoir. It is a motivational guidebook that will push you to your limits and show you what you're truly capable of. Goggins shares his journey from a troubled childhood to become one of the world's toughest men through raw and honest storytelling. Along the way, he teaches invaluable lessons on mental toughness, discipline, and perseverance that will inspire anyone who reads his book.

This is essentially a story about overcoming obstacles. Poverty, abuse, and racism plagued Goggin's childhood. He suffered from obesity and learning difficulties, and everyone told him he would never amount to anything. Instead of giving up, Goggins embraced these difficulties to fuel his fire. He joined the Navy SEALs and went on to become a world-class endurance athlete, having completed over 60 ultra-marathons and multiple Ironman triathlons.

One of the book's main themes of the book is mental toughness. Goggins believes that the mind is the most powerful weapon we have and that if we can transcend our mental limits, we can push ourselves beyond what we think is possible.

He states, "The most significant conversation you can have is with yourself. You wake up with it, walk around with it, sleep with it, and eventually act on it."

This is demonstrated through Goggins' own life. He has accomplished tremendous things not because he's physically stronger than others, but because he's cultivated a mindset of unwavering determination and resilience.

He writes, "We are all dealt a hand of cards in life, but we get to decide how we play them."

David Goggins as NAVY SEAL

In addition to his motivational message, Goggins also shares his weight loss journey, which serves as an inspiring example of how anyone can transform their body and mind. Goggins' weight loss journey began when he was at his lowest point in life. When he was 24 years old, he weighed over 300 pounds and was working as an exterminator. He was unhappy, unhealthy, and lacked direction in life. One day, he saw a television program featuring Navy SEALs and was inspired by their physical and mental toughness. He decided then and there that he wanted to become a SEAL, but knew that he had to get in shape first. Goggins' weight loss journey was not an easy one. He had to completely overhaul his diet and exercise routine, and he had to do it while working a physically demanding job. He began by cutting out junk food and sugary drinks and instead focused on eating whole foods like lean protein, vegetables, and healthy fats. He also started running, even though he initially could barely make it down the block without stopping. Over time, Goggins' weight loss progress was slow but steady. He began to see changes in his body, and he was able to run longer and farther without stopping. He eventually lost over 100 pounds, and his physical transformation helped him to gain the confidence and discipline he needed to become a Navy SEAL. His weight loss journey is a powerful example of the importance of taking ownership of your health and fitness. He didn't rely on anyone else to do the work for him – he took control of his own life and made the necessary changes to achieve his goals. This same mindset applies to all aspects of life, whether it's personal, professional, or athletic. Another important lesson in the book is the importance of taking ownership of your life. Goggins doesn't sugarcoat the fact that life can be hard and unfair. But he also emphasizes that we have a choice in how we respond to adversity. This is only just one story from his adventurous life. His weight loss journey is certainly an impressive feat, it's just one story among many that make up his incredible life and career.

Weight Loss Journey

Despite facing immense obstacles in his early life, such as poverty, racism, and abuse, Goggins persevered and ultimately became a living example of what is possible when one refuses to give up. This shows that we don't have to be defined by our circumstances. We can create our destiny through hard work, dedication, and a refusal to give up.

The book is also a tribute to the power of discipline. Goggins is a self-discipline expert, having trained his body and mind to withstand the most strenuous physical tests possible. He discusses his methods for gaining discipline, such as setting clear goals, developing a routine, and remaining focused on the task at hand. He also stresses the significance of accountability, both to oneself and to others.

According to Goggins, "Accountability is the most powerful weapon in your arsenal. It's what will keep you in the fight when you're exhausted, discouraged, and ready to throw in the towel."

The way Goggins urges his readers to embrace suffering is perhaps the most motivating aspect of "Can't Hurt Me." He believes that progress occurs only outside of our comfort zones, and he urges people to challenge themselves in ways they never thought were possible.

"If you're not willing to suffer to get to the next level, you're not ready to be successful," he writes.

Goggins himself has endured unimaginable physical pain and mental anguish in pursuit of his goals, but he has come out stronger on the other side. He wants his readers to know that they can do the same.

Practical Steps to unleash your inner warrior:

Here are some practical steps taken from the book "Can't Hurt Me", you can apply these lessons to your own life:

  • Develop a growth mindset: Instead of focusing on your limitations, adopt a mindset of growth and possibility. Believe that you can improve and become better, even in the face of adversity.

    • Set clear goals: Write down your goals and break them down into smaller, achievable steps. Having a clear roadmap will help you stay focused and motivated.

  • Create a routine: Develop a daily routine that supports your goals and helps you stay on track. This could include things like waking up early, exercising, and practicing mindfulness.

  • Embrace discomfort: Seek out challenges that push you outside of your comfort zone. This could be as simple as trying a new activity or as extreme as signing up for a marathon. The key is to constantly challenge yourself and grow.

  • Hold yourself accountable: Set up systems of accountability to keep yourself on track. This could include tracking your progress, sharing your goals with a friend, or hiring a coach.

By following these steps, you can begin to unleash your inner warrior and create a life that is truly fulfilling and meaningful.

In the end, "Can't Hurt Me" is not just a book about David Goggins. It's a book about all of us. It's about the human spirit and what we're capable of achieving when we push ourselves to our limits. It's about overcoming obstacles, embracing discomfort, and living a life of purpose and meaning.

As Goggins writes, "We all have a path to follow, whether we know it or not. It's up to us to take the steps, to make the choices, to do the work. It's up to us to live our lives like warriors."

David Goggins as US NAVY SEAL

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About the Creator

Syed Sarim

Unlocking Your True Potential | Gym Guy, Business Student | Always chasing new ideas and adventures | Follow along for snippets of my writing journey

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