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Understanding the Average Person's Ability to Perform Pushups

What number of pushups is the typical individual expected to have the option to do?

By AllFitsPublished about a year ago 4 min read

We believe in providing accurate and helpful information to empower individuals in their fitness journey. In this article, we will delve into the topic of pushups and explore the average person's expected ability to perform them. While it's important to note that several factors influence one's pushup capacity, including age, fitness level, and overall strength, we aim to provide a general understanding of what you can expect.

Pushup Expectations: A General Overview

Pushups are a popular bodyweight exercise that primarily targets the upper body, engaging muscles such as the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. The number of pushups a person can perform can vary significantly depending on their fitness background and training regimen. Let's break it down based on different fitness levels:

Novice Level

If you are new to exercise or have limited fitness experience, you might begin with a few pushups. Novices typically start with a range of 5-10 pushups. It's important to focus on maintaining proper form and gradually building strength over time.

Average Fitness Level

For individuals with a moderate fitness level, the goal is usually to perform 10-20 pushups. This range indicates a solid foundation of upper body strength and endurance. Consistent training and proper technique can help you reach and surpass this average range.

Fit Individuals

Those who have prioritized fitness and consistently engaged in exercise can typically perform 20-30 pushups. This level of ability showcases a higher degree of strength and muscular endurance. By incorporating variations, such as decline or diamond pushups, fit individuals can continue to challenge themselves and improve their performance.

Athletes and Advanced Training

Athletes or individuals who engage in advanced training programs can often surpass 30 pushups or even exceed higher numbers. Their intense training routines focus on developing exceptional strength and endurance, enabling them to achieve remarkable results.

Factors Influencing Pushup Performance

While the average pushup ranges provided above offer a general perspective, it's crucial to recognize that many factors can influence an individual's ability to perform pushups. Some key factors to consider include:

1. Age

Age plays a role in determining pushup capacity. Generally, younger individuals tend to have more strength and agility, allowing them to perform more pushups. However, with consistent training, individuals of all ages can improve their pushup performance.

2. Fitness Level

Your overall fitness level, including cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength, affects your ability to perform pushups. Regular exercise routines that incorporate strength training and cardiovascular activities can enhance your pushup capacity.

3. Body Composition

Body composition, specifically the ratio of muscle to fat, can impact pushup performance. Individuals with a higher proportion of lean muscle mass tend to have greater upper body strength, making pushups more manageable.

4. Technique and Form

Executing pushups with proper technique and form is crucial for optimal performance. Maintaining a straight line from head to toe, engaging the core, and lowering the chest to a point just above the ground are essential components of a well-executed pushup. Focusing on proper form helps prevent injuries and maximizes the effectiveness of the exercise.

Improving Your Pushup Performance

If you aspire to increase your pushup count, there are several strategies you can incorporate into your training routine. Here are some tips to help you improve:

1. Gradual Progression

Begin with a number of pushups that challenges you but is manageable with good form. Over time, gradually increase the number of repetitions or sets. Push yourself to go beyond your comfort zone while maintaining proper technique.

2. Variations and Progressions

Incorporate pushup variations and progressions to target different muscle groups and challenge your body in new ways. Some popular variations include:

Wide Grip Pushups: Placing your hands wider than shoulder-width apart emphasizes the chest muscles.

Close Grip Pushups: Positioning your hands closer together targets the triceps.

Incline Pushups: Elevating your hands on an elevated surface, such as a bench or step, reduces the intensity and is suitable for beginners.

Decline Pushups: Elevating your feet on a raised surface increases the difficulty and engages the shoulders and upper chest.

Diamond Pushups: Forming a diamond shape with your hands beneath your chest targets the triceps and inner chest.

Progressions can involve using resistance bands, weighted vests, or stability balls to add additional resistance or instability, further challenging your muscles.

3. Strength Training

Incorporating strength training exercises that focus on the upper body, such as dumbbell presses, chest flyes, and tricep dips, can complement your pushup performance. By strengthening the muscles involved in pushups, you can enhance your overall capacity.

4. Core and Stability Training

A strong core provides stability during pushups, allowing you to maintain proper form and perform the exercise effectively. Include exercises like planks, Russian twists, and leg raises to strengthen your core muscles.

5. Consistency and Rest

Consistency is key when it comes to improving pushup performance. Aim for regular training sessions that gradually increase in intensity. However, don't forget the importance of rest and recovery. Give your muscles time to repair and rebuild between workouts to avoid overexertion and potential injuries.


In conclusion, the number of pushups the average person can perform varies based on factors such as age, fitness level, and overall strength. While novice individuals may start with a few pushups, average fitness levels range from 10 to 20 pushups. Fit individuals typically perform 20 to 30 pushups, and athletes or those engaged in advanced training can surpass 30 pushups.

Remember, these ranges are estimates, and individual capabilities can differ. The key to improving your pushup performance lies in gradual progression, incorporating variations and progressions, engaging in strength and core training, and maintaining consistency while allowing for proper rest and recovery.

By implementing these strategies and maintaining a focused training routine, you can gradually increase your pushup count and achieve your fitness goals. Keep challenging yourself, staying committed, and celebrating your progress along the way.

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