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Understanding Narcissistic Interest

Signs and Red Flags

By Tami ArsenPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Photo By Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

Navigating relationships with narcissistic individuals can be challenging due to their self-centered nature and manipulative tendencies. It can be particularly difficult to determine if a narcissist genuinely likes someone, as their behaviors often prioritize their own needs and desires over the well-being of others. However, recognizing the signs and red flags that indicate a narcissist's interest can help individuals set boundaries and protect themselves emotionally. In this article, we will explore various signs that suggest a narcissist may like someone, based on expert insights.

Love Bombing:

Narcissists excel at love bombing, a manipulation tactic aimed at capturing someone's attention and affection. Love bombing involves showering the person with excessive praise, attention, and flattery. They make the target feel incredibly special and cherished, creating an initial sense of euphoria and connection. However, it is crucial to be wary of love bombing, as narcissists often use this technique to manipulate and control others. Their true intention is not to form a genuine emotional bond but rather to gain power over the person.


One common behavior exhibited by narcissists when they like someone is mirroring. Narcissists view others as extensions of themselves rather than separate individuals. As a result, they may imitate the person's behaviors, interests, and opinions to create a false sense of intimacy and connection. By mirroring the individual, narcissists seek validation and admiration while blurring the boundaries between their own identity and that of the person they are interested in. However, it's essential to recognize that this behavior is not rooted in genuine interest or emotional connection.


Narcissists often interject themselves into the thoughts and qualities they appreciate about others. They attribute positive characteristics of the person to themselves, essentially using them as a mirror to boost their own ego. This self-attribution allows narcissists to create a detached fantasy where they believe they possess those desirable qualities. However, it's crucial to remember that narcissists lack genuine empathy and are primarily focused on fulfilling their own needs rather than fostering a healthy relationship based on mutual respect and understanding.


When a narcissist likes someone, they may become excessively concerned with managing their public image. They meticulously curate social media posts, coordinate public appearances, and project an idealized image of the relationship. Narcissists value external validation and thrive on the admiration of others. Therefore, their focus is more on how they are perceived as a couple rather than the genuine emotional connection and happiness of the relationship. It is vital to be cautious of this behavior, as it can indicate a transactional approach to relationships.


Narcissists often engage in grandiose behaviors to win over and impress someone they are interested in. They boast about their exaggerated achievements, skills, talents, and possessions. Additionally, they may plan elaborate romantic gestures and flirt excessively. These grandiose displays are meant to captivate and charm the person, reinforcing the narcissist's inflated sense of self-worth. However, it's crucial to approach these actions with caution, as they are often driven by the narcissist's need for admiration rather than genuine care or affection.

In conclusion, recognizing the signs that a narcissist may like someone can help individuals navigate relationships with narcissistic individuals more effectively. It is important to remember that narcissistic interest is often rooted in self-serving motives rather than genuine emotional connection. Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries is crucial when dealing with narcissistic individuals to protect one's emotional well-being.

While the actions of a narcissist may initially appear caring and heartfelt, it's essential to remember that these behaviors do not necessarily indicate genuine interest or affection. Narcissists are known for their manipulative tendencies. If you suspect someone to be a narcissist, it is crucial to approach the relationship with caution and establish boundaries to protect yourself.

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About the Creator

Tami Arsen

mental health and psychological information

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