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Time Is Precious

The most valuable thing you can give is, Your Time

By Apostle CashPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
The Most Valuable Thing You Can Give to anyone Is Your Time "Don"t Waste It".

We often use the term "I Spent" when paying for something we want but in reality, Money is circulated not really spent so we can always get more money while on the other hand, Time is spent. When something is spent, you will not be getting it back. So, how you spend your time is very, very important. We often allow ourselves to become so busy until our time passes without us having ever enjoyed a moment of it. When a loved one passes away I often hear family and friends say "I wish I had spent more time with them" or "I wish I had taken time for them". Time has a way of really getting away from you if your GOLDEN MOMENTS are not treasured. Time is something you should watch like you watch your money or other valuable items. It is your one most valuable commodity and you should use it well. Unlike money, once your time is gone, It's really gone...

I watch people sometimes sit and talk or listen to people for hours that they really didn't enjoy yet, they wouldn't get up and walk away. That time is time they will never ever get back. Being a good steward of time takes a little effort but it can be done. Sometimes it may mean cutting off people who don't value your time. Most folk who don't value your time don't because they don't value you. The same way you watch what you use your money for, watch who and what you spend your time on. Out of all the things you spend time on family and the ones you say you love are either at the bottom of the list or sometimes not even on the list at all. You are usually too tired or continuously too busy doing other things that in the end really want master when your time runs out. Unlike other things in life, the clock on your time never stops. It just keeps ticking and ticking until all of your precious time is gone.

I have seen so many cry and wish for more time after it was too late so I'm writing this hoping that I can encourage someone to manage your time better. Spend your time where it's needed most and with who it will bless and help most. Spending your time is almost like a second job when it comes to the management of it. Rather it's with your better half, your mom or dad, your children or best friend. Don't let it run out and catch you with love unshared. Love isn't love until you give it away, don't hold it give it to someone and it will bless you.

We are never thinking about our time running out so many are caught by surprise with a lot on their to-do list yet undone. Their bucket list completely untouched. Their fondest dreams nothing more than castles in the sky.

Don't let drama, Sadness, Anger, or just being too busy steal any more of your time. Use what you have left like it's 24k Gold.

Manage how you spend your time so well until when you are gone all left is a truck load of Happy Memories to strengthen the ones who loved you and valued your time. While you can, give your time to those who it will strengthen and matter to not those who don't care one way or the other. Invest your time in those who you know need you and want you in their lives. It will truly pay off in the end and mean more than you may ever know.


About the Creator

Apostle Cash

I am a person who loves to see others reach their greatest potential rather on a job, in a relationship or just in life in general.

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