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Three Life Stories: Connecting the Dots, Love, and Loss, and Embracing Death

Lessons from Steve Jobs on Trusting Your Journey, Pursuing Your Passion, and Embracing Mortality

By Ebenezer NyamePublished 11 months ago 3 min read

Three Life Stories: Connecting the Dots, Love, and Loss, and Embracing Death

Subtitle: Lessons from Steve Jobs on Trusting Your Journey, Pursuing Your Passion, and Embracing Mortality


Life is a series of interconnected experiences, each playing a vital role in shaping who we become. Sometimes, it's in looking back that we find the true significance of these experiences. In this article, we delve into three impactful stories from the life of visionary entrepreneur Steve Jobs. Through these stories, we learn about the importance of connecting the dots, embracing love and loss, and finding meaning in the face of mortality. Each tale offers valuable lessons that can inspire us to live more purposefully and authentically. So, let's embark on this insightful journey and discover the wisdom within.

Connecting the Dots: Trusting Your Journey

Steve Jobs' life began with a twist of fate, as he reflected on his journey during a speech at Stanford University. He spoke of dropping out of Reed College, uncertain of his path and skeptical of the value of education at the time. However, this seemingly uncertain decision allowed him to pursue his own interests and discover new passions.

Jobs stumbled upon a calligraphy class that would have otherwise been overlooked. Little did he know that this course, seemingly disconnected from his future endeavors, would play a pivotal role in shaping the future of personal computing. The beautiful typography he learned eventually found its way into the design of the Macintosh, revolutionizing the industry.

The lesson here is that we can't always predict the future impact of our choices. Trusting in our intuition and following our curiosity can lead us to unexpected places. Connecting the dots in retrospect helps us understand that seemingly unrelated experiences can come together to create something extraordinary.

Love and Loss: Embracing Setbacks

The story of Steve Jobs' departure from Apple, the company he co-founded, highlights the theme of love and loss. After building Apple into a multibillion-dollar enterprise and releasing the groundbreaking Macintosh, Jobs found himself ousted from his own company. It was a devastating blow that left him questioning his abilities and purpose.

However, Jobs didn't let this setback define him. Instead, he channeled his passion into starting over. He founded NeXT and later acquired Pixar, leading to the creation of the world's first computer-animated feature film, Toy Story. Eventually, Apple bought NeXT, and Jobs returned to the company that had once rejected him, becoming a central figure in its remarkable resurgence.

This story teaches us the importance of resilience and finding meaning in the face of adversity. Jobs' love for what he did propelled him forward, enabling him to bounce back from failure and embark on an even more creative period of his life. Embracing setbacks can open doors to new possibilities and unexpected successes.

Embracing Mortality: Living with Purpose

Steve Jobs' contemplation of death provides a profound perspective on living a purposeful life. From a young age, he would look in the mirror each morning and ask himself if today were his last day, would he be satisfied with his choices? This practice helped him prioritize what truly mattered and make courageous decisions.

The realization that death is inevitably allowed Jobs to shed external expectations, fears, and the fear of failure. It encouraged him to follow his heart and intuition, shaping his approach to life and work. Through this acceptance of mortality, Jobs recognized the transience of existence and the importance of making every moment count.

In urging us to avoid living someone else's life, Jobs reminds us to trust our inner voice and pursue our passions. By embracing mortality, we gain the clarity to prioritize what truly matters and make meaningful contributions to the world.


The three stories from Steve Jobs' life offer valuable insights that transcend his individual experiences. By connecting the dots, embracing love and loss, and acknowledging our mortality, we can navigate our own journeys with greater purpose and authenticity.

Life is a tapestry of interconnected events, and it's in retrospect that we realize their significance. Just as Steve Jobs trusted his journey, rebounded from setbacks, and embraced mortality, we too can cultivate resilience, pursue our passions, and live with intention.

So, let us heed Jobs' wisdom and stay hungry for knowledge, remain foolishly brave in our pursuits, and, above all, live each day as if it were our last. For in doing so, we unlock our true potential and create a meaningful impact on the world.

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