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The Sword of Allah

Khalid bin Waleed, The Battle of Mu'tah:

By Uzair Ali khanPublished about a year ago 4 min read

About Khalid:

Khalid bin Waleed, also known as Saifullah al-Maslul (the Drawn Sword of Allah), was a renowned Muslim military commander and companion of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during the early days of Islam. He was born in the Banu Makhzum clan of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca, around 592 AD.

Khalid bin Waleed initially opposed Islam and fought against the Muslims in several battles, including the Battle of Uhud. However, after embracing Islam, he became one of its staunchest defenders and played a pivotal role in the early Islamic conquests.

After the death of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Khalid bin Waleed continued to serve the Muslim community and played a key role in the Ridda Wars, which were fought to suppress the tribal uprisings that occurred after the Prophet's death. He died in 642 AD in Homs, Syria, at the age of 72.


This Story tells the tale of Khalid bin Waleed's military prowess and bravery in battle, as well as his devotion to Allah and the Muslim faith. It also highlights the importance of leadership and strategic planning in achieving victory in battle

During the early days of Islam, Khalid bin Waleed was leading a small but determined army of Muslims against a much larger force of the Byzantine Empire. The two armies were facing each other on the plains of Mu'tah, and tension was running high.

Khalid bin Waleed, who was renowned for his tactical brilliance, had carefully selected the battlefield, positioning his troops in a narrow gorge that would limit the enemy's ability to maneuver. He had also given strict orders to his soldiers not to engage the enemy until he gave the signal.

As the Byzantine army advanced, Khalid bin Waleed calmly surveyed the situation, waiting for the right moment to strike. Suddenly, he noticed a commotion in the enemy ranks, and he quickly sent a scout to investigate.

The scout returned with the news that the Byzantine commander, Ja'far ibn Abi Talib, had been killed, and his army was in disarray. Khalid bin Waleed saw this as an opportunity and immediately gave the signal to attack.

The Muslim soldiers, who had been waiting patiently for this moment, sprang into action. With Khalid bin Waleed leading the charge, they charged towards the Byzantine army, shouting "Allahu Akbar!" (God is Great).

The two armies clashed, and a fierce battle ensued. Khalid bin Waleed, with his sword drawn, fought valiantly, cutting down any Byzantine soldier who came in his way. His troops, inspired by his bravery, fought with equal ferocity, and slowly but surely, they began to push the enemy back.

Despite being outnumbered, the Muslims continued to fight with incredible determination. Khalid bin Waleed, who was a master strategist, had planned the battle to perfection, and his troops executed his plan flawlessly.

Finally, after several hours of intense fighting, the Byzantine army was defeated, and they fled the battlefield. The Muslims had emerged victorious, and Khalid bin Waleed had once again proven his mettle as a brilliant military commander.

The Battle of Mu'tah, fought in 629 AD, was a defining moment in the history of Islam, and Khalid bin Waleed's leadership played a critical role in securing the victory for the Muslims. It was one of many battles he fought and won, earning him the title "Saifullah al-Maslul" (the Drawn Sword of Allah), and cementing his legacy as one of the greatest military commanders of all time.

O Khalid," the voice said, "you cannot die in battle, for Allah has named you the Sword of Allah."

During a particularly brutal battle, Khalid bin Waleed was leading his troops into battle against a fierce enemy. He fought with great bravery, cutting down enemy soldiers with his sword and rallying his troops to keep pushing forward.

As the battle raged on, Khalid bin Waleed found himself surrounded by enemy soldiers, and despite his best efforts, he was starting to tire. His sword arm felt heavy, and he was beginning to feel the toll of the battle.

Just as he was starting to feel overwhelmed, he heard a voice calling out to him. "O Khalid," the voice said, "you cannot die in battle, for Allah has named you the Sword of Allah."

Khalid bin Waleed was taken aback. He looked around, but he could not see anyone who could have spoken those words. But the voice had a calming effect on him, and he felt renewed strength and determination.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Khalid bin Waleed charged back into battle, his sword flashing in the sunlight. His troops, inspired by his bravery, rallied around him, and together they fought with renewed energy and determination.

Despite being outnumbered, the Muslims emerged victorious, and Khalid bin Waleed had once again proven his mettle as a brilliant military commander.

After the battle, Khalid bin Waleed could not shake the feeling that he had heard the voice of Allah himself. He knew that he had been blessed with a special talent for warfare, and that he had been chosen by Allah to lead his troops to victory.

From that day forward, Khalid bin Waleed was even more determined to live up to his name as the Sword of Allah. He continued to lead his troops into battle, always with the knowledge that Allah was watching over him and guiding him to victory.

Writer (Uzair Ali )

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