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The Ripple Effect of Small Moments.

A Single Experience shaped the Course of my life.

By Laiba AmirPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Ripple Effect of Small Moments.
Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

I have always struggled with confidence and self-esteem. I had a fear of public speaking and would often avoid opportunities that requires to speak in front of others.

One day, I was asked to give a short speech at a friend's wedding. I was nervous and anxious, but I agreed to do it because I wanted to be there for my friend.

When the day arrived, I stood up in front of the crowd and began to speak. At first, my voice was shaky and my hands trembled, but as I continued to speak, something amazing happened.

I realized that the audience was listening to every word, and they were actually interested in what I had to say. My fear began to fade away, and I found myself speaking with more confidence and ease.

After I finished my speech, many people came up to me to tell me how much they had enjoyed it and how impressed they were with my bravery.

That small moment of giving a speech at my friend's wedding had a big impact on my life. I realized that I'm capable of more than I had ever thought possible and that my fears didn't have to hold me back.

From that day on, I started to take on new challenges and opportunities with more confidence and courage. That small moment of facing my fear and succeeding had changed the course of my life forever.


Dear friend,

I want to talk to you about the importance of confidence and self-esteem. I know that sometimes it can be hard to believe in yourself, especially when things aren't going your way. But I want you to know that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.

Confidence and self-esteem are not things that you are born with, but rather they are skills that can be developed and strengthened over time. It's important to focus on your strengths and what makes you unique. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem. This will help you to build a positive self-image and believe in yourself.

Remember that failure is a part of life, and it doesn't define you. Instead of letting it bring you down, use it as a learning opportunity. Ask yourself what you can do differently next time and take action towards improvement.

Setting achievable goals is another important aspect of building confidence and self-esteem. Break them down into smaller steps and celebrate each milestone along the way. By doing so, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in your progress.

It's also important to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. This can be scary, but it's necessary for growth and learning. Don't be afraid to take risks and embrace the unknown. You might surprise yourself with what you're capable of.

Taking care of your physical and emotional health is another crucial component of building confidence and self-esteem. Eating well, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and practicing relaxation techniques can all help you feel more energized and resilient.

Remember that building confidence and self-esteem is a process that takes time and effort. But every small step you take towards it will have a positive impact on your life. You'll feel more empowered, resilient, and ready to take on whatever challenges come your way.

I believe in you and your abilities. Don't let self-doubt hold you back from achieving your dreams. Believe in yourself and keep pushing forward. You've got this.

With love and encouragement,

Your friend.

successself helphow toadvice

About the Creator

Laiba Amir

Just a silent observer, here to write my own thoughts using different characters.

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    Laiba AmirWritten by Laiba Amir

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