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Understanding the Doors of Life: When to Pass Through and When to Stay Away

A Life of Purpose, Not Endless Chasing: Mastering the Art of Selective Entry

By Solomon AinaPublished 4 days ago 3 min read
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There is a common misconception that when opportunities present themselves, we must seize them, lest we miss out on the chance of a lifetime. However, the truth is that not all open doors are meant for us to enter. In fact, the wisdom to discern which doors to pass through and which to leave closed is one of the most vital skills we can cultivate in our journeys through life.

Far too often, we equate an open door with a guaranteed path to success or fulfillment. We convince ourselves that if a chance comes our way, we must act on it immediately, lest it slip through our fingers. This mindset can lead us down a treacherous road, causing us to chase after fleeting opportunities that ultimately bring more harm than good.

Consider the analogy of a prison. Even to enter such a place, one must pass through a door. Yet, the mere fact that the door is open does not mean we should willingly walk through it. There are some thresholds that are best left untouched, some invitations that are better left unanswered. The open door may be tempting, but the true wisdom lies in recognizing when that door is not meant for us.

This principle applies not just to the obvious pitfalls in life but also to the more subtle and seemingly promising opportunities that come our way. We may be presented with a job offer that seems too good to be true, a romantic relationship that ignites our passions, or a business venture that promises untold riches. In our eagerness to seize the moment, we may fail to step back and truly examine whether these doors are aligned with our true purpose and values.

I have learned this lesson the hard way. There have been times in my life when I have felt that I had missed out on golden opportunities, opportunities that could have meant liberation or a significant shift in the trajectory of my life. In those moments, I have berated myself, wondering if I had simply not been wise or bold enough to walk through those open doors.

But as I have grown and gained more life experience, I have come to realize that many of those doors were never truly meant for me in the first place. They were pathways intended for others, or perhaps the timing was simply not right for me to pass through them. The sense of regret and missed opportunity was, in reality, a manifestation of my own limited perspective and the cultural conditioning that tells us we must always be grasping for the next big thing.

The truth is, not every open door is a sign that we should enter. Some doors are meant to remain closed, either for our own protection or because our purpose lies elsewhere. The key is to cultivate the wisdom to discern which doors align with our true calling and which ones, no matter how enticing, are best left untouched.

This requires a deep level of self-awareness and the courage to walk away from opportunities that may appear promising on the surface but do not resonate with our inner truth. It means being willing to say no to certain paths, even when the world around us is telling us to seize the moment and maximize our potential.

Ultimately, the ability to selectively choose which doors to enter is a hallmark of a life lived with intention and purpose. It is the difference between chasing after endless possibilities and focusing our energy on the specific callings that are meant for us. By learning to discern the doors that are truly meant for us, we can navigate the maze of life's opportunities with greater clarity, confidence, and, most importantly, a deep sense of fulfillment.

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About the Creator

Solomon Aina

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Comments (2)

  • Victor Obanor Osagie 4 days ago

    This is motivational 👌

  • Life itself is a lesson that everyone must learn from, because what works for others might not be the same when it comes to you.

SAWritten by Solomon Aina

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