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The Power of Words

Powerful Way to Speak

By Muhammad Raheem Published about a year ago 3 min read
The Power of Words
Photo by Herlambang Tinasih Gusti on Unsplash

When you speak, speak with power and conviction. Walk in your strength and use your fists to kick. You cannot lose it to anyone. Hold on a little bit longer if you’re holding on. Recover from a fall by standing back up. We will all face these difficulties. Making excuses contributes to people’s problems in life today and their failure to meet expectations. They gave the force of justification a voice in their words and allowed it to direct their course, but justification has no place in your life. This is where your ability to adapt and get past whatever is preventing you from moving forward comes in. What is keeping you away from achieving your goals.

Your voice has great power. It’s a continuation of who you are, right? Don’t be timid; you have greater power over your circumstances than you may realise. Don’t be afraid to speak the truth, and when doing so, resist the urge to give dread, apprehension, or hopelessness any power. Your voice’s power is the only power that matters. Let it ring true and continue to exist because it has life. Make sure you are linked to it since your words count and will help it achieve its goals. Speak positively instead of negatively. Don’t say stuff that won’t help you grow. Build on the truth and your individuality. Enhance your talents develop your mission since it has strength. There is greatness, life and power in your voice

Speak loudly when you speak. Convince yourself to speaking while speaking. Own your words since no one else can take them away from you. Consider how frequently you’ve turned over in bed and pressed the snooze button. When you realise that you need to have stood up, you claimed that you needed five minutes. But all you did was squander a golden opportunity by five minutes. You just squandered five minutes of your brilliance because you thought you had more time. There is no time to lose when it comes to achieving success or becoming a wonderful person. Your thoughts and what you create may become a reality at this time, this moment, this opportunity, and this greatness comes from you. However, you must continue to look up and see your purpose and promise. You must also continue to work forward rather than back. Waiting for a shoulder touch to signal your departure is ineffective. You go because you have to go, so claim it. Speak life, not death, into your greatness, your possibilities, and whatever it is you’re after. However, this is your life, this is your chance to demonstrate to the world your true potential, and there is strength in your voice.

There is individuality and the language you use. Your voice has majesty to it. Do you know what you’re talking about? It must be yours. Recognising the strength of your voice at this time is crucial. There are several topics that you might talk about.

And once you say those things, you have to stick by them. But you must also comprehend. Things will come out negatively if you speak negatively. Have positive thoughts and ideas but no negative ones. The decisions you make in life are your responsibility. There will be instances where you will look at something that is there in front of you and not even believe that it is genuine. You could believe it to be an optical illusion. But you must own and seize the opportunity in front of you; it is one that you are currently facing. You must give your all to whatever you undertake. But you must be careful to commit to the positive possibilities rather than the unfavourable ones. I’m telling you right now that you are a potential person, a potential being, a potential reality, and that this is the time for you to realise that you shouldn’t stop now or give up on now.

Discover the path you are already taking, and then build on it like clay. It must be moulded, shaped, and turned into a masterpiece. How often have you told someone that “you couldn’t do it”? How often have you claimed to lack the necessary resources? How many more times must it happen until enough is enough and you finally act to reach your full potential. When will you be true to yourself because what you say counts.

Keep things going be fruitful. Be strong, and I really implore you to go about your business.

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